Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase 2019
Keynote address by 3M National Teaching Fellows Dr. Lisa Dickson (UNBC), Dr. Shannon Murray (UPEI), and Dr. Jessica Riddell (Bishop’s University)
Educating, as bell hooks writes, “is always a vocation rooted in hopefulness.” This interactive session means to start our day’s conversations about university teaching and learning with hope and joy. We will ask some big questions: what is hopeful about higher education? Where is hope located in your discipline? How can we structure for hope in our classrooms? And how would you design your university if you start with hope? We’ll outline the critical hope of theorists such as bell hooks and Paulo Friere, concluding with the possibility that a critically hopeful university could lead to a more resiliently hopeful world.

Dr. Lisa Dickson is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at UNBC (Renaissance Literature). A 3M National Teaching Fellow, she is a founding member and current Project Leader for the 3M NTF National Mentoring Network. Her current collaborative research project focuses on the pedagogy of critical hope and empathy.
Dr. Shannon Murray is a professor of Renaissance English literature and a 3M National Teaching Fellow (2001). She has facilitated UPEI’s Faculty Development Summer Institute on Active Learning since 2002 and gives workshops and talks on threshold concepts, active learning, capstone experiences, and portfolios, She is currently writing a co-authored book with Lisa Dickson and Jessica Riddell on teaching Shakespeare and is completing a project on the 19th Century actress Sarah Siddons.
Dr. Jessica Riddell is a Full Professor of Early Modern Literature at Bishop’s University and the Stephen A. Jarislowsky Chair of Undergraduate Teaching Excellence at Bishop’s University. Dr. Riddell sits on a number of external boards, including as VP Canada on the Board of ISSoTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) and a Board member on the 3M National Executive Council. Dr. Riddell was awarded the 3M National Teaching Fellowship in 2015.