Dr. Bishnu Acharya research focuses on developing fundamental understanding of novel integrated processes for efficient conversion of low value biomass to bioproducts like carbon fibers, bioplastics, biofuel and other chemicals for industrial application. This novel approach integrates a series of technologies for hydrothermal processing (wet/hydrothermal carbonization), gasification (super-critical waster gasification, chemical looping gasification), and fermentation (syngas fermentation, anaerobic digestion). This integrated process produces products for application in composites, drug delivery, fuel, chemical, wastewater treatment, soil remediation and packaging. He has been working in the area of bioprocessing and conversiofor more than 10 years. His significant contribution has been the design of fluidized bed technology for conversion of biomass to energy. He also provides consulting and training services to thermal power companies regarding the operation of fluidized bed technology and performance enhancement.
Bioprocessing and conversion laboratory in the Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI is looking into valourization of various waste streams in the atlantic provinces which include marine waste (sea lettuce, tunicates), food processing waste (oil cakes, shellfish shells) and municipal waste (biosolids, wastewater), creating an opportunity for new product/process development. The lab is equipped with high class research equipment and analytical tool and a team of multi-displinary people.
Research Interests:
- Bioprocessing and conversion
- Clean Energy Technology
- Thermal System Design – Gasifier, Pyrolyzer, Hydrothermal pretreatment
- Biochar application on soil remediation and wastewater treatment
- Liquid biofuel for transportation
- Nano-Crystalline Cellulose – production and application
Anyone who would like to know more about our research and activities, please contact us at following address.