Book Chapter
- Acharya, B – Contributing Author (2017) Chapter 10 – Syngas Cleaning. Biomass Gasification, Pyrolysis and Torrefaction: Practical Design and Theory. Elsevier. (Under Proof Reading Stage)
- Dutta, A., and Acharya, B. (2011) Chapter 16: Production of bio-syngas and bio-hydrogen via gasification. Handbook of Biofuels Production- Processes and Technologies, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 420-459.
Articles in Referred Journals
(Student Names are underlined, collaborators are indicated with #)
- Salaudeen, S., Acharya, B., Heidari, M., Arku, P., Dutta#, A., (2018) Numerical investigation of CO2 valorization via the steam gasification of biomass for producing syngas with flexible H2 to CO ratio. Journal of CO2Utilization, 27, 32-41. (IF: 6.141)
- Dunlop, M., Acharya, B., Bissessur#, R. (2018) Isolation of Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Invasive Tunicates. Journal of Environment Chemical Engineering, 4, 4408 – 4412. (IF: 4.01)
- Dahal, R. K., Acharya, B., Farooque#, A. (2018) Biochar – A Sustainable Solution for Solid Waste Management in Agro-processing Industries. Biofuels, 1.16)
- Salaudeen, S., Acharya, B., Dutta#, A. (2018)CaO-based CO2sorbents: A review on screening, enhancement, cyclic stability, regeneration and kinetics modeling. Journal of CO2Utilization, 23, 179-199. (IF: 6.141)
- Kamila#, B., Sadhukhan#, A.K., Gupta#, P., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2017) Modeling of torrefaction of small biomass particles. Biofuels, 1-10. (IF: 1.16)
- Kamila#, B., Sadhukhan#, A.K., Gupta#, P., Basu#, P., Regmi, B., Dutta#, A., Acharya, B.(2017) 2-D modeling of torrefaction of a large biomass particle. International Journal of Green Energy, 14, 1119 – 1129. (IF: 1.06)
- Basu#, P., Kulshreshtha, A., Acharya, B.(2017) An index for quantifying the degree of torrefaction. BioResources, 12, 1749 – 1766. (IF: 1.334)
- Patel, A., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2017) An investigation into partial capture of CO2released from a large coal/petcoke fired circulating fluidized bed boiler with limestone injection using its fly and bottom ash. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5, 667-678. (IF: 3.83)
- Nhuchhen, D.R., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2016) Investigation into overall heat transfer coefficient in indirectly heated rotary torrefier. Internal Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 102, 64-76. (IF: 3.552)
- Arjunwadakar, A., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2016) A Review of Operation and Maintenance Issues of CFBC Boilers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 102, 672-694. (IF: 3.634)
- Nhuchhen, D.R., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2016) Torrefaction of poplar in continuous two-stage indirectly heated rotary torrefier. Energy & Fuels, 30, 1027-1038. (IF: 3.091)
- Acharya, B., Dutta#, A., Basu#, P. (2016). Gasification of biomass in a circulating fluidized bed based calcium-looping gasifier for hydrogen-enriched gas production: experimental studies. Biofuels – Special Issue on Hydrogen, 8, 643-650. (IF: 1.16)
- Nhuchhen, D.R., Basu#, P., Acharya, B(2016) Investigation into mean residence time and filling factor in flighted rotary torrefier. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94, 1448 – 1456. (IF: 1.356)
- Raut, M., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2016) The Effect of Torrefaction Pre-Treatment on the Gasification of Biomass. International Journal of Renewable Energy and Biofuels, Article ID 823723, DOI: 10.5171/2016.823723 (IF: 1.20)
- Udomsirichakorn, Basu#, P., Salam#, P.A., Acharya, B.(2014) CaO-based chemical looping gasification of biomass for H2-enriched gas production with in-situ CO2 capture and tar reduction. Fuel Processing Technology, 127, 7-12 (IF: 4.051)
- Nhuchhen, D.R., Basu#, P., Acharya, B.(2014) A comprehensive review on biomass torrefaction. International Journal of Renewable Energy and Biofuel. Article ID 506376; DOI: 10.5171/2014.506376. (IF: 1.20)
- Basu#, P., Sadhukhan#, A.K., Gupta#, P., Rao#, S., Dhungana#, A., Acharya, B.(2014) An experimental and theoretical investigation on torrefaction of large wet wood particle. Journal of Bioresource Technology, 159: 215-222 (I.F= 6.102)
- Udomsirichakorn, J., Basu#, P., Salam#, A., Acharya, B. (2013) Effect of CaO on tar reforming to hydrogen-enriched gas within-process CO2 capture in a bubbling fluidized bed biomass steam gasifier. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 38: 14495-14504. (I.F= 3.659)
- Basu#, P., Rao#, S., Dhungana#, A., Acharya, B.(2013) Effect of oxygen presence in torrefier. Journal of the Energy Institute, 86: 171-176. (I.F= 0.589)
- Basu#, P., Rao#, S., Acharya, B., Dhungana#, A. (2013) Effect of torrefaction on the density & volume changes of coarse biomass particles. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 91:1040-1044. (I.F = 1.356)
- Acharya, B., Dutta, A., Basu, P. (2012) Circulating Fluidized Bed Based Calcium Looping Gasifier: Experimental Studies on the Calcination-Carbonation Cycle. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 51: 8652–8660. (I.F= 2.843)
- Acharya, B., Dutta, A., Basu, P. (2010) An Investigation into Steam Gasification of Biomass for Hydrogen Enriched Gas production In Presence of CaO. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35: 1582-1589. (IF= 3.659)
- Basu, P., Acharya, B., Kaushal, P. (2010). Design methods for fluidized bed gasifier – a comparison of different approaches. Journal of Energy Institute, 83: 32-40. (IF=0.589)
- Acharya, B.,Dutta, A., Basu, P. (2009) Chemical looping gasification of biomass for hydrogen enriched gas production with in-process carbon-dioxide capture. Energy and Fuels, 23: 5077–5083. (IF=3.091)
- Bajracharya, T.R., Acharya, B., Joshi, C.B., Saini, R.P., Dahlhaug O.G. (2008) Sand erosion of pelton turbine nozzles and buckets: A case study of Chilime Hydropower Plant. Wear, 264:177–184. (IF=2.798)
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- MacNevin, W., Dunlop, M., Ahmadi#, A., Acharya, B. (2018) Development of a Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Nanocrystalline Cellulose-Based Material for 3D & 4D Bioprinting Applications. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering Conference, York, Ontario.
- Arjunwadakar, A., Basu#, P., Acharya, B. (2015) Studies into operating problems of loopseal in commercial circulating fluidized bed boilers. Proceedings of the 22ndInternational Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Turku, Finland, 246-252.
- Basu#, P., Acharya, B., Cheng#, L. (2014) Operating Problems in Commercial CFB Boilers-Erosion and Corrosion. 11thInternational Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidized Bed Technology, Beijing, China. [Keynote]
- Udomsirichakorn, J., Basu#, P., Salam#, A., Acharya, B. (2014) A Study On Cao-Based Catalytic Tar Reforming In A Chemical Looping Gasification System. 11thInternational Conference On Circulating Fluidized Beds And Fluidized Bed Technology, Beijing, China.
- Acharya, B., Dutta, A., and Basu, P. (2012) Circulating Fluidized Bed Based Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass for Hydrogen Enriched Gas Production. Proceedings of the 21stInternational Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Naples, Italy, 736 – 743.
- Acharya, B., Dutta, A., and Basu, P. (2011) Study of Calcination-Carbonation of Calcium Carbonate in Different Fluidizing Mediums for Chemical Looping Gasification in Circulating Fluidized Beds. 10thInternational Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidized Bed Technology, Oregon, USA.
- Dutta, A., Acharya, B., and Basu, P. (2010) Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass for Hydrogen Enriched Gas Production with in-process Carbon dioxide Capture. Proceedings of the 20thInternational Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference, China, 636-641.
- Basu, P., Acharya, B., Dutta, A. (2010) Gasification in Fluidized Beds – Present Status & Design. Proceedings of the 20thInternational Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference, China, 97-103. [Keynote]
Conferences (Presenter is indicated by * sign)
- Dunlop*, M., Acharya, B., Bissessur, R. Isolating Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Invasive Island Tunicates. Canadian Eastern Regional Three-Minute Thesis Competition, Montreal, Quebec, April 18, 2018.
- Acharya*, B.Circular Economy Approach for Waste Management and Creation of Value Added Products, 15thInternational Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposities and Biorefining, Guelph, Canada, July 24 – 27, 2018. [Invited Speaker]
- Dunlop*, M., Acharya, B., Bissessur, R. Isolating Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Invasive Tunicates. Fisherman and Scientist Research Society Conference, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, March 7 – 8, 2018. [Awarded Best Scientific Poster Presentation]
- Dahal*, R., Acharya, B. Biochar: A Sustainable Solution for Waste Management in Prince Edward Island, Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, October 22-25, 2017.
- Tang*,, Dunlop, M., Acharya, B. Producing nanocrystalline cellulose and ethanol from invasive tunicates. Poster presented at Summer Program for Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, August 15, 2017. [Best Poster]
- Dunlop*, M., Acharya, B., Bissessur, R. Isolating Nanocrystalline Cellulose from Invasive Tunicates. Atlantic Biorefinery Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, July 9th, 2017. [Awarded Best Poster Presentation]
- Acharya*, B., Dahal, R. Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass for Biocomposites Application. First International Forest Biorefining Conference, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, May 9 – 11, 2017. [Keynote]
- Acharya*, B.“Agricultural waste to value added product”, 14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposities and Biorefining, Guelph, Canada, May 31 – June 3, 2016.
- Raut, M., Basu#*, P., Acharya, B. Effect of Torrefaction Pretreatment on Gasification of Biomass. 9thInternational Green Energy Conference, Tianjin, China, May 25-28, 2015.