
In accordance with relevant guidelines specified in the UPEI Centres Policy and Appendix A,1 the Centre’s core membership is represented by UPEI Arts faculty members who are interested in fostering Korean and Asian Studies and its global enterprise of research, teaching and scholarship. It consists of:

  • The Centre Director and,
  • Five or six Arts faculty members who are currently members of the Asian Studies Committee, including the Centre Director

These members of the Committee represent several Arts departments that support Korean/Asian Studies research and teaching, thereby promoting their interdisciplinary collaboration.

As the Centre’s reputation grows with more funding, programs and initiatives, we shall open special membership to other UPEI faculty members of Arts and non-Arts departments and also guest (visiting) membership to international scholars from other universities in Korea and around the world. This may be done when recommended by the Director in consultation with the Centre Advisory Committee.

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  1. See UPEI Centres Policy, sec. 6 (Establishment…of Centres) and sec. 7 (Management of Centres), pp.4-5; and Appendix A, III (Structure of the Formal Proposal for Centre Status) and IV (Constitution/By-Laws), pp. 11,14. ↩︎