KS World-Class Research and Publication

BOOKS, 2020–2022:

With the help of two previous KS research project grants (funded by KSPS, the AKS, Korean Ministry of Education), we have developed a prolific international reputation for research and publication: for example, two scholarly monographs and one edited book were published by two leading international publishers as follows:

  • Edward Y. J. Chung, The Great Synthesis of Korean Wang Yangming Neo-Confucianism: The Testament (Chonon) by Chŏng Chedu (Hagok). Lanham, New York, and London: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2020. 397 pages (hardcover and paperback).
    Rowman – Book Details
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, The Moral and Religious Thought of Yi Hwang (Toegye). Palgrave Studies in Comparative East-West Philosophy series no. 4. New York, London: Palgrave Macmillan [Springer Nature], Oct. 2021. 227 pages; hardcover and paperback. For three reviews, visit:
    Palgrave – Book Details 
  • Edward Y. J. Chung and Sophia J. Oh, eds. Emotions in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives. Palgrave Studies in Comparative East-West Philosophy series no. 5. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, July 2022. 403 pages; hardcover and OA (free internet downloading). Includes Chung’s introductory chapter, chapter 4, and chapter 13 (conclusion).
    Palgrave – Book Details


From Jan. 2023 to May 2024, one two peer-reviewed book chapter was published in an edited volume by a leading international press, and two journal articles were published as follows:

  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Yi Toegye on the Self-Reflection and Ideal Humanity: A  Korean Neo-Confucian and Comparative Interpretation,” a major book chapter forthcoming in Chun-chieh Huang and John A. Tucker, eds. Confucianism for the Twenty-first Century, Brill (a leading European and international publisher in humanities and social sciences), 2023 (spring)
    Brill – Publisher Site
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Jeong Hagok on Emotions and the Four-Seven Debate: A Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary  Interpretation,” a major journal article in the a special theme issue of Current Research on Korean Confucianism, Religions 14: 2 (Feb. 2023), 204–225 (21 pages).  Article Link or Downloadable PDF
  • Bongrae Seok (Dr. Chung’s KS Lab project co-researcher), “Philosophy of Mind and Moral Psychology in Korean Neo-Confucianism,” APA Studies on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies, vol. 22, no. 2 (spring 2023): 3−7.

During the 2018–2022 period—with UPEI’s two KS international projects funded by KSPS, the AKS, Korean Ministry of Education—Dr. Chung guest-edited and published an international journal issue of Acta Koreana with 5 articles (one written by himself and four written by Robert Buswell, Don Baker, Halla Kim, and Sumi Lee) on the special theme of “good and evil in Korean religion, philosophy, and spirituality” (Dec. 2019).1 In addition, we published two other peer-reviewed journal articles in a leading academic journal and 6 scholarly chapter articles (peer-reviewed) in four edited books by four prominent international publishers as follows:

  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Introduction: Emotions (Jeong/Qing情) in Korean Philosophy and Religion,” a major introductory chapter (93 pages) in edited by Edward Y. J. Chung and Sophia J. Oh, eds.,  Emotions in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspective.  Palgrave Studies in Comparative East-West Philosophy series no. 5. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature), 2022. 403 pages. Hardcover, paperback, and OA (open access) for all free downloading.
    Palgrave – Book Details | PDF | EPUB
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Yi Yulgok on the Role of Emotions in Self-Cultivation  and Ethics: A Modern Korean Neo-Confucian Interpretation,” chapter 4 (24 pages) in Emotions (Jeong/Qing 情) in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
    Palgrave – Book Details | PDF | EPUB
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Conclusion: The Diversity, Dynamics, and Distinctiveness of Emotions (Jeong/Qing情) in Korean Philosophy and Religion,” a concluding chapter (13 pages) in Emotions in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Palgrave – Book Details | PDF | EPUB
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Korea, Neo-Confucian Philosophy in,” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, 4 vols. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021.
    Online Library – Access
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Yi T’oegye on Transcending the Problem of Evil: A Neo-Confucian and Inter-religious Perspective.” Acta Koreana, vol. 22, no. 2 (December, 2019), 249–266. A Special Theme Issue on “Good and Evil in Korean Philosophy, Religion, and Spirituality.”
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “Yi Yulgok (1536–1584) on Ki, Self-Cultivation, and Practical Learning,” a major book chapter in The Idea of Gi/Qi: Asian and Comparative Perspectives edited by Suk Gabriel Choi and Jung-Yeup Kim. Lanham, MD: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. (Lexington Books), Jan. 2019.
    Rowman – Book Details and Google Books – The Idea of Qi
  • Edward Y. J. Chung, “History, Philosophy, and Spirituality of the Four-Seven Debate: A Korean Neo‑Confucian Interpretation of Human Nature, Emotions, and Self-Cultivation,” a major book chapter in Young-chan Ro, ed. Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy. New York: Springer, 2019 (fall). PDF | EPUB
  • Jungeun Park (UPEI’s KS professor, Jan. 2018–Dec. 2019; a co-researcher for Dr. Chung’s KS
  • Seed project),  “A Monk’s Double Identity and the Issue of Clerical Marriage: An Examination of Kim Chŏnghae’s Household Registers in  Colonial Korea,” Journal of Korean Religions  vol. 11, no.  1 (April 2020): 155-187.
  • Jungeun Park, “The Making of Modern Monastic Families in Colonial
  • Korea: An Examination of Master–Disciple Relations in Monks’ Household Registers,” Journal of Korean Religions vol. 10, no 1 (Apr. 2019): 45-82.

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  1. These five journal articles are the updated, revised, and expanded versions of their conference papers presented at the 2018 KS International Conference on Good and Evil in Korean Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality, UPEI, June 21–22 (this conference organized, hosted, and funded by Dr. Chung and his KS international Seed Program project at UPEI). ↩︎