Family violence online Programming in rural and remote areas of the Atlantic provinces: An online program for men who struggle with jealousy, anger, and high-conflict relationships
We are currently working on an effectiveness study examining an online program for men who struggle with jealousy, anger, and high-conflict relationship. This online domestic violence intervention will be offered in rural areas of the Atlantic provinces. The program will include pre and post interviews to determine if it was successful in altering violent behaviours. We are looking for anyone who may be interested in participating in this research.
Effectiveness study on Co-constructing responsibility approach: Intervention approach for men who are violent and abusive toward their partners and children
This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the therapy Co-Constructing Responsibility Approach (CCRA) for men who have a history of abusing their spouses and/or children. Dr. Takano will conduct therapy sessions, then honours students Lauren, Kaitlyn, and Lethabo will carry out semi-structured interviews with participants. This research will examine the role that shame and yearning play in the men’s journeys to re-establish healthy relationships with themselves and their families.
Sense of shame and its transformation in men who are violent and abusive toward their partners and children: A collaborative narrative inquiry
This study will conduct semi-structured interviews and interpretive discussions with men who have been violent and abusive towards their partner or children but are seeking to make a change through attending the Caring Dads intervention program. Interviews will be conducted with the participants at intervals throughout the 17-week program to explore how their sense of shame transforms as they go through the program. The results will explore the transformative journey of the men in their journey to take responsibility for their actions.