Last month Aiden and Susie (both honours history students) represented UPEI as judges at the PEI Heritage Fair. Here they are with the winners. Thanks for volunteering your time!

Last month Aiden and Susie (both honours history students) represented UPEI as judges at the PEI Heritage Fair. Here they are with the winners. Thanks for volunteering your time!
UPEI Faculty of Arts will be hosting a major international conference, June 22–23:
The 2023 Asian Studies International Conference on “Mind and Mind Cultivation in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Buddhist, Confucian, Related, and Contemporary Perspectives,” June 22 (Thursday)–23 (Friday), SDU Main Building, Faculty Lounge.
This conference is hosted by UPEI and its Korean Studies Seed Program project and organized by Asian Studies and KS in consultation with American Philosophical Association (APA), American Academy of Religion (AAR), and North American Korean Philosophy Association. Also endorsed by the Faculty of Arts departments such as Religious Studies, History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Modern Languages; some colleagues among these departments have agreed to serve as panel co-chairs and moderators.
Conference day I on June 22 (Th) will have a morning reception, 8:45-9:00 and the opening ceremony, 9:00-9:20. The opening welcome address will be given by Dr. Greg Keefe, UPEI President and Vice-Chancellor; a congratulatory message by Dr. Young-Kyun Yang, Director of Korean Studies Promotion Service, the Academy of Korean Studies, Korea; a thank-you address by Dr. Greg Naterer, Vice-President Academic and Research; etc. The Keynote Speech is scheduled for 9:20–10:05 and its title is “Mind and Mind Cultivation in Korean Zen Buddhism” by Dr. Robert E. Buswell Jr., Distinguished Research Professor and Founding Director of the UCLA Center for Buddhist Studies and Center for Korean Studies, University of California–Los Angeles.
Two full days of the conference will feature five fascinating panels with fourteen prominent scholars from USA, Canada, and Korea will present and discuss their papers:
Thursday, June 22
Session 1 (10:15-11:20): Korean Buddhism on Mind and Mind Cultivation: Textual & Practical
Two presenters from USA and Korea
Session 2 (11:30-12:35): Buddhism and Related Topics on Self-cultivation: Modern Transformation, Gender, and Dietary Practice
Two presenters from USA and Korea
Lunch time: 12:35-1:30
Session 3 (1:30-3:40): Korean Confucianism on Mind and Mind Cultivation: Textual, Ethical, and Practical
Four presenters from USA and Korea
Friday, June 23
Session 4 (10:20-12:00): Confucianism on Mind and Mind Cultivation: Unorthodox, Comparative, and
Contemporary Reflections
Three presenters from Canada and USA
Lunch time: 12:00-1:00
Session 5 (1:00-2:10): Philosophy and Religion in General: Comparative, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives
Two presenters from Korea
Morning reception refreshments are generously provided the President’s Office (day 1) and the VPAR Office (day 2), and conference lunches (good healthy meals: tba) will be served by UPEI’s Dana catering service on both days.
Please see the attached conference program, two posters, and invitation card. EVERYONE IS INVITED!
For more information, contact Edward Chung, Asian Studies & Korean Studies Project Director,
Main 413, 902-566-0324 (o).
Special acknowledgement: This conference is supported by an international Seed Program for Korean Studies grant (AKS-2022-INC-2230004) through the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea and Korean Studies Promotion Service (KSPS), the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS).
A big congratulations to this year’s Faculty Association award recipients.