Dr. Nebojsa Kujundzic, professor of philosophy at the University of Prince Edward Island and affiliate professor at the University of Malta, delivered an opening keynote lecture and chaired two sessions at a conference in Valletta, Malta, on November 17. Read the article here.

3M National Student Fellowship
The 3M National Student Fellowship honours up to ten full-time diploma and undergraduate students at Canadian post-secondary schools who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their lives and at their institution. Submit by Jan. 31st to be considered: https://www.stlhe.ca/awards/3m-national-student-fellowship/

Faculty Led International Experience
Expression of Interest Applications are now closed for 2023 but currently open for 2024.
Please see the link below for Faculty to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) in a Faculty Led International Experience for the academic year 2023-3024. The to submit an EOI is December 9th. EOI Applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee on Monday, December 12th and you will be notified that day of a decision. From there, a formal proposal will be requested. Deadline – TBD.
In the past, some of these Faculty-Led experiences have been conducted in May and we call them Maymesters (see examples in Maymester under Study Abroad Programs).
Click here to submit your Expression of Interest for a Faculty Led International Experience
Have news that you would like to share with the faculty? Send it to artsadmin@upei.ca.