The first session of this year’s ConneXions series is scheduled for Friday, 2 December, 2:00-3:00 pm. Join us on Zoom as four colleagues in the Department of Psychology–Drs Jennifer Altman, Martha O’Meara, Jessica Strong, and Yoshi Takano–share some of their recent research activities and how their work connects to the Arts in general.
Zoom link:
In addition to showcasing the scholarly endeavours of these four recently hired faculty members, this session will provide an opportunity for us all to welcome them into the family of the Faculty of Arts at UPEI.
Congratuations Allegra Netten!

Fourth-year Doctor of Psychology Student Allegra Netten recently presented her doctoral dissertation entitled The Development of a Scale to Measure Climate Change Anxiety at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in New York City.
Allegra was one of only three students (out of more than 100) to be chosen to receive the 2022 ABCT Elsie Ramos Memorial Student Poster Award. Allegra was presented with her award at an awards reception at the conference. Congratulations to Allegra for her novel and important work and for representing so well the Doctor of Psychology program at this important international conference!
Congratulations Philippe Messier

Philippe Messier recently published an article as part of a special issue at Anthropologie et Sociétés titled “Citoyennetés et Mobilisations en Inde.” ( The article examines the political engagement of computer engineers through the mediatization of popular rituals in the new Telangana State (India). Congratulations Philippe!
P.E.I. writer Bren Simmers wins 2022 CBC Poetry Prize for work inspired by how Alzheimer’s affects language

Bren Simmers recently won the 2022 CBC Poetry Prize for her poem entitled “Spell World Backwards”. You can find the poem and her interview with CBC here: Congratulations Bren!