Dr. Chung is pleased to invite you to the Asian Studies International Speaker Series 2023 – two special talks by two prominent world-class scholars:
▪ Dr. Jin Y. Park presents a fascinating lecture, “Women in Contemporary Buddhism: Reflections on Korean Zen Master Kim Iryŏp,” Thursday, April 6, 2:15–3:45, Faculty Lounge, SDU Main building.
▪ Dr. Philp J. Ivanhoe presents another thought-provoking lecture, “Oneness, Virtue, and Happiness: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives,” Tuesday, April 11, 2:15–3:45 pm, Faculty Lounge, SDU Main building.
Each event begins with refreshments and a reception. For more details, please see the attached 2-page poster and bio below.
You are more than welcome to share this information with your students as well. Everyone is invited to attend. See you there.

Jin Y. Park is Professor and Department Chair of Philosophy and Religion at American University and served as the Founding Director of Asian Studies Program at American University. Park is the author, editor or translator of ten books and published more than sixty articles. She currently serves as President-Elect of the American Academy of Religion, the largest and most prestigious scholarly organization in religious studies and is the first East Asian scholar to hold the position. She concurrently serves as President of the North American Korean Philosophy Association and also served as President of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy. She held a visiting scholar’s position in Canada, South Korea, Hong Kong, Germany and Japan and delivered more than two hundred talks around the world.
Philip J. Ivanhoe
(Ph.D. Stanford University) is Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Georgetown University. He specializes in the history of East Asian philosophy and religion and its potential for contemporary ethics. He has held numerous endowed chair positions, including Distinguished Chair Professor of Philosophy at Sungkyunkwan University, Chair Professor of East Asian and Comparative Philosophy and Religion, City University of Hong Kong, John Findlay Visiting Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Boston University, and Austin J. Fagothey, S. J. Distinguished Visiting, Santa Clara University. Professor Ivanhoe has published over thirty books and more than one hundred articles. For his CV, Wikipedia page, and other information, see the Georgetown University web page: https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/0031Q00002G08aNQAR/philip-ivanhoe