The 2024 Gulf Ecologies Meeting

The “Ecologies, Knowledge, and Power in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Region c1500-Present” project, is a group that was launched in 2023 by Dr. Joshua MacFadyen and the late Dr. Elizabeth Mancke, both Canada Research Chairs interested in the Atlantic Region. It is supported by the Social Science and Research Council of Canada’s Partnership Development Program, and its purpose is to share research and develop new partnerships that examine history, environment, and what Dr. Mancke called “Spaces of Power” in the Gulf of St. Lawrence region. Dr. Mancke’s legacy continues to inspire our members and many others who care about the region and its communities.

In 2024, the project has begun under the leadership of Dr. MacFadyen, and the UPEI GeoREACH Lab. We will be hosting our first meeting in hybrid form, Thursday evening, 25 July to Saturday 27 July, at the new UPEI Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation (CCCA) in beautiful St. Peters, PEI/Epekwitk. 


Thursday, 25 July
5:30 PMDinnerRendezvous (by 5pm) in Charlottetown or St. Peters for carpooling, or arrive directly at the nearby restaurant for dinner and opening remarks. David’s Restaurant, Crowbush Cove Golf Resort, Lakeside
7:45 PMOpening Reception
(Session 1)
Return to the CCCCA in St. Peters for roundtable introductions and a reception (desserts and non-alcoholic drinks provided).
Art in the Gulf presentations by Laurie Brinklow and Katherine Knight.
Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation (CCCCA), St. Peters, Gallery and Lunchroom
Friday, 26 July
7:30-8:45 AMBreakfastCCCCA, Lunchroom
8:45-10:15 AMSession 2 Elder Welcome
Indigenous Knowledge and Place Presenters: Helen Kristmanson and Erin Montgomery, Natasha Simon, Lauren Beck, Andy Post, Tom Peace
CCCCA, Main Hall
10:15-10:45 AMRefreshment BreakCCCCA, Lunchroom
10:45 AM-12:15 PMSession 3Coastal Knowledge
Presenters: Daniel Samson, Josh MacFadyen and Anthonia Bebiem, Leanna Thomas, Anne-Marie Lane-Jonah, Barbara Rousseau, Claire Campbell
CCCCA, Main Hall
12:15-1:10 PMLunch (provided)CCCCA, Lunchroom
1:10- 1:30 PMExhibit TourTour the CCCCA Exhibits with Artist-in-Residence, Alexis BulmanCCCCA, Main Hall
1:30 – c. 2:45 PMSession 4a & 4b: Breakouts: Professional development exercise; Publications, website, and data developmentCCCCA, rooms TBA
3:00 – 5:00 PMField Trip Greenwich Interpretive Centre, PEI National Park, Greenwich
5:30 – Dinner (provided)CCCCA, Lunchroom
Saturday, 27 July
7:30-8:45 AMBreakfastCCCCA, Lunchroom
8:45-10:15 AMSession 5Navigating the Gulf
Presenters: Erin Spinney, Zachary Tingley, Richard (Murray) Yeomans, Lisa Chilton, Alan MacEachern
CCCCA, Main Hall
10:15-10:45 AMRefreshment BreakCCCCA, Lunchroom
10:45 AM-12:15 PMSession 6Full papers
Presenters: Nicolas Landry, Jack Bouchard, Matthew Hatvany, Colin Osmond and Michelle Francis-Denny
CCCCA, Main Hall
12:15- 2:00 PMLunch (provided)L’nu Tacos by Margaret Augustine and Dr. Lauren BeckCCCCA, Lunchroom
2:00 – c. 3:30 PMSession 7Resources from Land and Sea
Presenters: Glenn Iceton, Jesse Coady, Margot Maddison-MacFadyen, John Matchim, Charles Ferris, Josh MacFadyen, Daria Kass and Bowei Liu
CCCCA, Main Hall
3:30 – 5:30 PMFree timeSelf-organized trips (and carpool)St. Peters and Souris areas
5:30 – 7:30 PMDinner (provided)Souris
Sunday, 28 July
9:00 AMCheckout / PaddlingMorell