A number of FSDE rooms are now available for booking by FSDE students, see which room would be best for your needs below. Go to fsderooms.upei.ca to determine room availability and also to make a booking. When booking any of these rooms, you are responsible for following all rules and for cleaning/disinfecting after you are finished as per the specified COVID-19 protocols. Rules and protocols can be found on the room booking site.
- Ideation Rooms (307, 320, 346, 344): These rooms can be booked by FSDE students for independent student study/work. Your ID card will give you access to these rooms.
- Design Clinic Meeting Space (105, 301, 306): These rooms can be booked by design clinic project teams for design clinic projects to be used as meeting rooms for team meetings, meetings with clients, meetings with techs, etc. Your ID card will give you access to these rooms.
- Design Clinic Build Space (101, 103, 104, 115, 203B): When not otherwise scheduled for courses or labs, these rooms can be booked by design clinic project teams for design clinic projects to be used as project build spaces. Availability will be updated regularly. Please arrange access to these rooms through your design clinic instructor.
- Student Study/Work (128A/B, 202, 205, 212): When not otherwise scheduled for courses or labs, these spaces are available for use by FSDE students for independent study/work. Booking is not necessary. Refer to the calendar for when these spaces are available. Availability will be updated regularly. Your ID card will give you access to these rooms.
Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Please note that you have to activate your ID card before you can use it to enter those rooms above.