The client was presented with a full drawing package to accompany the three dimensional CAD models as well as a project budget. Above is an image showing the models all put together. On the right is the tire mount with the enclosure arms mounted on the legs. These arms will be used to support a tarp as well as the scrubbing nozzle tracks required for the process. On the left is a shipping container similar to the one quoted in the budget. On the bottom of the container is a stainless steel water tank with a capacity specified to supply the pump with one hour of constant water flow with no recirculation. Sitting on top of the tank are three HDPE rubber storage containers that are each sized to hold the some volume of rubber recovered from the scrubbing process of a 5-ton industrial tire. Below is the scrubbing system that was quoted from Hammelmann Corp. This includes the centrifugal pump, a 6.7 liter diesel engine and all of the fittings, fuel tanks and batteries required for the system.