2017 |
The Alzheimer’s disease-protective CD33 splice variant mediates adaptive loss of function via diversion to an intracellular pool
Siddiqui S, Springer SA et al. (2017) Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:15312-15320 |
Studies on the detection, expression, glycosylation, dimerization and ligand binding of mouse Siglec-E
Siddiqui S, Schwartz F, Springer SA et al. (2017) Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:1029-1037 |
2016 |
Separating spandrels from phenotypic targets of selection in adaptive molecular evolution
Springer SA, Manhart M, Morozov AV (2016) Evolutionary Biology: Biodiversification from Genotype to Phenotype, Chapter 18. P. Pontarotti (ed) |
Des nouvelles variations génétiques préservent les facultés cognitives des personnes âgées
Springer SA, Gagneux P (2016) Médicine et Science 32:10-12 |
Reply to Liu and Jiang: Maintenance of postreproductive cognitive capacity by inclusive fitness
Springer SA, Schwartz F, Altheide T, Varki NM, Varki A, Gagneux P (2016) PNAS 113:E1591-E1592 |
Human-specific alleles of CD33 and other genes protect against postreproductive cognitive decline
Schwartz F★, Springer SA ★, Altheide T, Varki NM, Gagneux P, Varki A (2016) PNAS 113:74-79 |
Glycomics: revealing the dynamic ecology and evolution of sugar molecules
Springer SA, Gagneux P (2016) Journal of Proteomics 135:90-100 |
2015 |
Evolutionary analysis and classification of OATs, OCTs, OCTNs, and SLC22 transporters
Zhu C, Nigam KB, Date RC, Springer SA, Saier MH, Wu W, Nigam SK PLoS One 10(11): e0140569 |
2014 |
Parallel evolution of a self signal: humans and new world monkeys independently lost the cell surface sugar Neu5Gc
Springer SA, Diaz SL, Gagneux P (2014) Immunogenetics 66:671-674 |
2013 |
Duplicate abalone egg coat proteins bind sperm lysin similarly, but evolve oppositely, consistent with molecular mimicry at fertilization
Aagaard J, Springer SA, Soelberg S, Swanson WJ (2013) PLoS Genetics 9(2): e1003287 |
Glycan evolution in response to collaboration conflict and constraint
Springer SA, Gagneux P (2013) Journal of Biological Chemistry 28:6904-6911 |
2011 |
Sexual selection by female immunity against paternal antigens can fix loss of function alleles
Ghaderi D★, Springer SA ★, Ma F, Coehn M, Secrest P, Taylor R, Varki A, Gagneux P (2011) PNAS 108:17443-17448 |
Beyond the phenotypic gambit: molecular behavioral ecology and the evolution of genetic architecture
Springer SA, Crespi BJ, Swanson WJ (2011) Molecular Ecology 20:2240-2257 |
2009 |
Coevolution of interacting fertilization proteins
Clark NL, Gasper J, Sekino M, Springer SA, Aquadro CF, Swanson WJ (2009) PLoS Genetics 5(7): e1000570 |
2008 |
Oyster sperm bindin is a combinatorial fucose lectin with remarkable intra-species diversity
Springer SA, Moy GW, Friend DS, Swanson WJ, Vacquier VD (2008) Int J Dev Biol 52:759-768 |
Extraordinary intraspecific polymorphism in oyster sperm bindin
Moy GW★, Springer SA★, Adams SL, Swanson WJ, Vacquier VD (2008) PNAS 105:1993-1998 |
2007 |
Adaptive gamete-recognition divergence in a hybridizing Mytilus population
Springer SA and Crespi BJ (2007) Evolution 61:772-783 |
Environment-specific heterozygote deficiency and developmental instability in hybrid Mytilus
Springer SA and Heath DD (2007) Marine Biology Research 3:182-187 |
2004 |
Implications of the Copernican Principle for my Masters thesis
Springer SA (2004) Annals of Improbable Research 10.4:20-21 |
2003 |
Social slime molds meet their match
Crespi B and Springer SA (2003) Science 299:56-57 |