NOTE: This section applies to returning students, in other words, you have completed at least 1 semester in UPEI and wish to volunteer for NSO!
Register for New Student Orientation 2024 HERE!

Why Should Returning UPEI Students Up for NSO?
As a returning student, you have the opportunity to become a mentor and guide for our many incoming 1st year students. These students come from all sorts of backgrounds, however, they have the shared quality of having Fall 2024 be their very first semester here at UPEI. The Office of Recruitment and First Year Advising here at UPEI, as well as the NSO Committee, would be more than happy to welcome you as one of several volunteers who can help ensure this year’s NSO is up to par with years past. Volunteering for New Student Orientation provides you with the following:
A. It provides you with an opportunity to enhance your resume not only with experience but also, with a potential reference in the form of the NSO Coordinator!
B. It allows you to become more involved and familiar with everything UPEI. This is valuable in itself, but also, several work positions here at UPEI look for students who have a well-rounded knowledge of campus during the hiring procedure!
C. It provides you with an opportunity to practice several key skills for any emerging adult: teamwork, leadership, interpersonal relationships, good communication, etc.
D. Most importantly, it allows you to create lasting friendships, connections, and relationships with folks who may become key players in your UPEI journey.
What Positions Can I Apply for by Volunteering with NSO?
Below is a breakdown of the three distinct ways in which you can decide to volunteer during New Student Orientation. Please apply for a role that will match your: abilities, knowledge, experience, commitment, and schedule going into NSO.
NSO Point-Person
An NSO Point-Person functions as the “right hand(s)” in command of the NSO Coordinator. Point-People must have shown strong leadership skills, and, should have extensive previous experience with NSO. Point People work directly under the NSO Coordinator and are meant to provide support in different areas that the NSO Coordinator might need help with. It’s a tad more challenging than other positions, but, you get lots of experience and get to work closely with the coordinator, in this case, Obed and Diya, which means it will be a fun time! 😉
This position is ideal for:
A. Returning students who have shown interest and passion for NSO.
B. Returning students who have been involved heavily in the past with both UPEI and NSO.
C. Returning students with a penchant for teamwork, leadership, and collaboration. Not only that but who can be self-starters and independent.
D. Returning students who are more than committed to spending an extensive amount of time and effort volunteering to ensure the success of NSO.
E. A student who could potentially be interested in doing the NSO Coordinator position in the future.

Kari Kruse Point-Person, Erin McNeill NSO Coordinator 2019, Jose Gonzalez Point-Person
NSO Team Captain
An NSO Team Captain will be directly responsible for leading each NSO team. Their primary responsibility is to keep the team organized and engaged throughout the week of NSO and make sure New Students are well taken care of. They will have the support of the NSO leaders and will report to the Point People of their respective teams. There will be one team captain for each NSO team. The team captain should also possess strong leadership and communication skills and should be able to work in a team.
This Position is a great fit for someone who
A. Loves working in a team setting
B. Possesses leadership skills and is comfortable with social interaction
C. Possesses good organizational skills
D. Possesses good knowledge of NSO and UPEI
Register for New Student Orientation 2024 HERE!

NSO Leader
An NSO Leader works directly with the incoming students as well as with their fellow team leaders they are assigned. NSO Leaders function as the first point of contact for first-year students by leading them through various activities, and events, answering questions, and in general; creating a more positive and friendly environment that is welcoming to first-year students during this transitional period.
This position is ideal for someone who:
A. Enjoys teamwork, leadership, and collaboration, and is at ease with interpersonal interaction with strangers.
B. Returning students with at least one year of experience in NSO (whether it be as a 1st Year or Leader)
C. Returning students who are committed to spending a considerable amount of time volunteering for NSO.