Welcome to the Coastal Ecology Lab. Our research focuses on coastal habitats and their alteration by various sources of disturbance. We combine exploratory and experimental work to test hypotheses with connotations to theory and management. We are in the Duffy Science Centre (DSC-304), but most of our work takes place along Prince Edward Island shorelines. We rely on collaboration with colleagues at the Atlantic Veterinary College, the Province, Parks Canada and Fisheries and Oceans, and several universities in the region and elsewhere.
Pedro A. Quijón c/o Lab members,
Coastal Ecology Lab, Department of Biology
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown,
PE C1A 4P3, Canada
Photo credits
© PA Quijón: Line of cormorants and seagulls at the entrance of New London Bay, North shore of Prince Edward Island