Before you begin your resistance or cardio training, it is important to get your blood flowing and your muscles warmed up so there is less chance of injury. Begin with 5 minutes of low to moderate intensity on a piece of cardio equipment, such as a treadmill, stationary bike, or rowing machine. If working out from home, you can do one minute of jumping jacks, running on the spot, or high knees.
Once your body is warm, you can proceed to dynamic stretches that will stretch the muscle groups you intend to work so that they are not tight going into the exercise. These stretches are not to be held for more than 3-5 seconds so that the muscle does not remain stretched out. The following videos demonstrate the dynamic stretches that engage the muscle groups being utilized during whole-body resistance training.
Walking Knee Hugs
Walking knee hugs target the glutes (butt), hamstrings (back of the upper leg), and lower back muscles while increasing hip mobility. Hip flexors and calf muscles get activated.
Toy Soldier Walks/Floor Sweeps
Both toy soldier walks and floor sweeps target the hamstrings and glutes while increasing hip mobility. Perform which is most comfortable for yourself.
Butt Kicks
Butt kicks stretch out the quad (thigh) muscles and loosen up the knee joints while activating the hamstrings.
Over the Fence (Outwards)
The outward over the fence is a controlled hip flexion, with horizontal abduction for hip mobilization and stretching of the groin muscle.
Over the Fence (Inwards)
The inward over the fence is a partner to the outward and activates the groin muscle and increases hip mobility.
Arm Circles
Arm circles are to start out small and grow bigger and bigger as you continue frontward rotation and are to be done in the backwards rotation motion also. They loosen up the shoulder muscles and increase mobility.