Faculty News

The Faculty of Arts congratulates Dr. Josh MacFadyen (ACLC) on becoming co-executive editor of the journal Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary Historyhttps://www.upei.ca/communications/news/2021/05/upei-s-dr-josh-macfadyen-named-co-executive-editor-historical-methods

The conference ‟Tourisme acadien: environnement, culture et liens Québec-Atlantique” organized by Dr. Selma Zaiane-Ghalia, from l’Université de Moncton’s École de kinésiologie et de loisir and Dr. Carlo Lavoie from the Department of Modern Languages on May 7th, during the 88th Congress of the Acfas – Le reseau francophone de la communauté scientifique (https://www.facebook.com/AcfasAcadie/) was a real success.  A rich panel of ten speakers addressed the natural and cultural Acadian heritage potential and cultural tourism potential in three Atlantic provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI. In his paper, Dr. Lavoie highlighted the significance of authenticity in the context of  tourism development of Acadian cultural heritage in PEI, a principle that applies to all the Atlantic Provinces.  

Dr. Carlo Lavoie was also busy on May 11th as a guest speaker in the class Interpreting and Communication – French Literature, taught by Dr. Laura Brignoli at the Università IULM, in Milan, Italy.  Dr. Lavoie presented a 90-minute exposé on the novel Maria Chapdelaine by Louis Hémon, exploring its mythical proportions and trying to understand the perspective on the French-Canadian society of the early 20th century which the character embodied.