Jessie Lyall

How Can Inuit Students be Motivated to Complete their High School Education?

Jessie EDIT

Jessie Lyall

Jessie Lyall sees students who are keen about high school in September but drop out later in the year. She wonders how they can be motivated to complete their education. Jessie reflected on her own school experiences and gathered information from five of her former Grade 3 students, now in Grade 10. She heard that high school was difficult. Students told her that more hands-on work and connection with Inuit ways could help; Elders in the classroom and good Inuit counsellors were important. Jessie envisages inclusive sports activities and music, greater exposure to the “real learning environment” outside school, and learning to “share, appreciate and accept other cultures but live your own.” Teachers must be leaders who keep the needs and well-being of children clearly in focus and “stand firm like the tent I was born in, with strong rocks to keep it from falling.”