Welcome UPEI Retirees

Welcome to the website of the Association of Retired UPEI Employees. Whether you are a retiree or someone unfamiliar with our association, please explore this website. We trust you will find this information useful.

The Association provides a forum in providing relevant information for retirees along with supporting social interactions among former colleagues.  We are faithful in advocating for retirees and their benefits.

A communication link between UPEI Retirees and the University, its administration, faculty, staff and students is retained.  Our members are willing to support University related activities in areas where we can be beneficial.

Our Association maintains a membership in the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada.  CURAC provides us with a link to other retiree associations across Canada and a means for sharing information on issues of interest to retirees.

We invite all UPEI retirees to join our association and would be delighted to see you at our events.  If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.

Rosemary Herbert, President

Email:  upeiretirees@gmail.com