Your donation will have a direct and profound impact on the life and work of every student and faculty member at UPEI. It will support student success by creating inspiring environments for individual and collaborative study, research, and learning. The expansion of our Special Collections ensures the preservation of our legacy for PEI, increases access to history and culture for everyone, and enriches the community. Our shared teaching spaces will offer innovative learning opportunities and enriched student experiences.

three students sitting at a table in the library reading books and using computers

Together, we can make a difference!

By contributing to the Robertson Library Campaign, you inspire others to join this noble cause and help us achieve our shared vision.

As we embark on this exciting campaign chapter, we want to emphasize that every level of donation matters and makes a significant impact. We recognize that each person’s circumstances are unique, and we deeply appreciate any contribution that you can make.

a library card catalogue drawer with white index cards

Together, with your support, we can create a vibrant future for the Robertson Library at UPEI.

Thank you!