Our Vision for Excellence:
The CERC team aspires to create at the Atlantic Veterinary College, a center of excellence in Aquatic Epidemiology that is recognized both domestically and internationally as a leading source of current, relevant, evidence-based science in the areas of aquatic food animal health, aquatic ecosystem health, and the health management of aquaculture activities.
We wish to be acknowledged as a research team that generates sophisticated cutting-edge epidemiological capabilities to assist in evidence-based policy decisions, that educates and trains highly-qualified personnel in aquatic epidemiology and risk-assessment, and that applies these capabilities to the benefit of the Canadian aquatic food industry, and to the management of aquatic food animal disease and aquatic ecosystem health in the rest of the world.
To achieve this vision we shall become:
An internationally recognized leader in Aquatic Epidemiological Research (Goal #1)
- Providing the evidence-based science and research leading to the identification of determinants of aquatic food animal health, and early detection of disease events.
An internationally recognized leader in Best Management Practices for Industry and Ecosystem Sustainability (Goal #2)
- Providing the evidence-based science and research to guide environmental policy related to aquatic food production ecosystems industries (including both farmed and wild-caught fish).
An internationally recognized leader in Best Management Practices for aquatic disease monitoring and surveillance, and risk mitigation (Goal# 3)
- Monitoring the industry and their interactions with aquatic ecosystems, both domestically and abroad, for emerging disease threats.
- Providing innovations in science and research central to predictive modeling of population health, disease control and mitigation.
A reliable intermediary recognized by industry, governments, and the public as a valued source of impartial evidence-based science in Aquatic Epidemiology (Goal #4)
- Informing national and international risk-assessment, food security and nutritional security policies and decisions.
- Inspiring confidence that public concerns regarding Aquaculture, Aquaculture products and their environmental consequences are being address through epidemiological research.
An internationally recognized leader for Aquatic Epidemiological Training and Professional Standards (Goal# 5)
- Facilitating capacity-building, both domestically and internationally, promoting high standards of professional practice, leadership and education.