Jupiter and Venus continue to be great solar objects to check out for March. The Harvard-Smithsonian has a nice little synopsis of the night skies here. If you want more detailed information, there’s a lot of other sites out there. The site freestarcharts.com has a lot of information and a PDF chart for how to find Jupiter in the sky.
The Harvard-Smithsonian also has some nice graphics to let you know why you HAVEN’T been hearing about a lunar eclipse (where the moon blocks out the sun during the day) on March 20th — that’s because we won’t see it in most of Canada. Newfoundland and other areas on the most eastern edges will see a bit of coverage.
A storm is set to arrive in PEI on Sunday March 15th and the clouds are not looking good for a viewing this Saturday evening so we won’t be having a viewing on Saturday Mar 14th. Next possible viewing scheduled for Saturday Mar 21st, 8-10pm.
Picture below taken from the Clear Sky Clock Charlottetown site with details showing for 8pm (clouds moving in). When checked after 4pm on Friday, situation has worsened.