Current Research Projects
by Dr. Raquel Hoersting
PI, The narratives and metaphors of transitions: Latin Americans living in Prince Edward Island
PI, Resource Development Integration in EMDR Therapy: The Tree of Life
PI, Cultural formulation within Brazilian contexts of migration: Lessons learned (In collaboration with Sheila Murta and colleagues at the Universidade de Brasilia)
Chega de Saudades: The psychology of Cultural Homelessness in Return Migration.
Current Graduate Research Projects Supervised
by Dr. Raquel Hoersting
Joy Nnadi – Doctoral Student. Topic of dissertation is currently being developed. Dissertation Supervisor. 2021-present
Research Projects Completed
Shadi Shabih Khani – Doctor of Clinical Psychology, UPEI, class of 2023. Exploring the role of Solution Focused Brief Art Therapy on self-esteem and anxiety level of preadolescents immigrants. Dissertation Supervisor. 2020-2023.
Completed research projects, publications, and presentations
by The ICI Lab
Carvalho, E. R. & Hoersting, R. C. (2023). The TraumaClinic model of EMDR basic training in Brazil: A country case study for in-person and online training. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research.
Co-Investigator, “Project Heaven on Earth: Creating positive change, growth, and meaning in addiction”. VPR Catalyst Grant, University of Calgary. PI: Dr. Heather Boynton: $13,489. 2021-2023
Hoersting, R. C. (April 2022). Tree of Life: A visual resource intervention for EMDR Therapy. / Arbre de vie: Une intervention de ressources visuelles pour la thérapie EMDR, (1.5 hours) presented at the 2022 EMDR Canada Conference online.
Torres, C. V. & Hoersting, R. C. (2021, July 12-14). STREAM 2- European culture- Values, identity in European context. Invited faculty by the 2020+ International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) Virtual Culture & Psychology Summer School (3-day synchronous online workshop), in Prague, Czech Republic.
Nnadi, J. & Hoersting, R. C. (2021, July). Bicultural stress, wellbeing, and academic burnout. Research paper presentation at the 25th Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020+) online, in Prague, Czech Republic.
Murphy, J. (2021). Implementing the Tree of Life: a mindfulness-based intervention focusing on positive self-cognitions. Charlottetown, PE: University of Prince Edward Island. (Honour’s Thesis)
Bowley, H. M. (2021). “Are you Reading or are you Actually Reading?”: Reading with Purpose, Inquiry, and Engagement Among Undergraduate Students with and without ADHD. Charlottetown, PE: University of Prince Edward Island. (Honour’s Thesis)
Nnadi, J. C. (2020). Bicultural stress, academic burnout and psychological wellbeing: Challenges for international students. Charlottetown, PE: University of Prince Edward Island. (Honour’s Thesis)
Sarto de Lucena, M., Hoersting, R. C., & Modesto, J. G. (2021). The sociocultural and psychological adaptation of Syrian refugees in Brazil, Revista Psico (PUCRG), 51(3). (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Hoersting, R. C., Phillips, N. L., & Murrell, A. R. (2021). Culture and priming in the perception of facial emotion, self-representation and thought: Brazil and United States. Culture and Brain, 1-19. (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Hames, J. L., Bell, D. J., Perez-Lima, L. M., Holm-Denoma, J. M., Rooney, T., Charles, N. E., Thompson, S. M., Mehlenbeck, R. S., Tawfik, S. H., Fondacaro, K. M., Simmons, K. T., Hoersting, R. C. (2020). Navigating uncharted waters: Considerations for training clinics in the rapid transition to telepsychology and telesupervision During COVID-19. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30, 348-365. (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Rabelo, A. F., Farias, J., Sarmet, M., Joaquim, T., Hoersting, R., Victorino, L., Modesto, J., & Pilati, R. (2019). Questionable research practices among Brazilian psychological researchers: Results from a replication study and an international comparison. International Journal of Psychology, 55, 674-683. doi:10.1002/ijop.12632 (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Tashima, J. N., & Hoersting, R. C. (2019). A Avaliação psicológica de migrantes internacionais [Psychological Assessment of international migrants]. In R. C. Borsa (Ed.). Avaliação Psicológica com Indivíduos em condição de vulnerabilidade psicossocial. São Paulo: Editora Vetor. (Book Chapter)
Hoersting, R. C. & Iwama, G. (2019, July). Cultural Identity Shifts, Belonging and Adaptation: Model of Brazilians Returning to Brazil. Research paper presentation at the 5th Regional Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2019) in San José, Costa Rica.
Hoersting, R. C. (2019, April). From Conflict to Integration: Addressing Cultural And Social Identities Within Treatment Formulation. Workshop (1.5 hours) presented at the 2019 EMDR Canada Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Lucena, M. S., Modesto, J. G., & Hoersting, R. C. (2018, July). Sociocultural and Psychological Adaptation of Syrian Refugees in Brazil. Poster presented at the 24th Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2018) in Guelph, Canada.
Kuo, B. C. H., Salam, Z., Soucie, K., Ly, C., Huang, S., Hoersting, R. C., & country collaborators (July, 2018). Cultural coping with school burnout: A 15-country study. Research paper presentation at the 24th Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology (International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2018) in Guelph, Canada.
Hoersting, R. C., Jenkins, S. R. (2011). No place to call home: Cultural Homelessness, Cross-Cultural Identities, and Self-Esteem. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Correa, A. A., Rogers, R. & Hoersting, R. C. (2010). Validation of the Spanish SIRS with monolingual Hispanic outpatients. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92, 258-264. (Peer-reviewed journal publication)
Rogers, R., Correa, A. A., Hazelwood, L. L., Shuman, D. W., Hoersting, R., & Blackwood, H. L. (2009). Spanish translations of Miranda warnings and totality of the circumstances. Law and Human Behavior, 33, 61-69. (Peer-reviewed journal publication)