Our History
The Literacy Outreach Project was born from the shared understanding that many island communities could benefit from sustained support in literacy education. The project is a partnership between the UPEI Faculty of Education, the PEI Department of Education and Early Years, STEAM PEI, and the PEI Public Library Service. We have also received a donation from Master Packaging Inc. and funding from MITACS, an organization funded by the Federal Government, to help train UPEI student interns. We are grateful to our donors for the outgoing support they provide us.

Our Mission
The ultimate goal of our outreach project is to support literacy and numeracy education in Prince Edward Island by creating rich and playful literacy learning opportunities for young children.

Our Vision and Future Goals
One of our core understandings is that children, like other people, learn best when they feel safe and when they are given the opportunity to explore in a supportive environment. Children have hopes, dreams, and identities. Playing is the most appropriate avenue for young children’s learning.
The Literacy and Numeracy Outreach Project understands that all forms of communication are meaningful such as reading, writing, storytelling, music, art, and math.