Core Exercises

Plank Holds & Variations

  • Form:
    • Place hands directly under your shoulders (slightly wider than shoulder-width apart) and extend your legs behind you keeping toes on the floor (Video 1)
    • Squeeze your glute (butt) muscles to stabilize your body
    • Don’t let your hips drop to the ground or lift upwards, keep them in line with your body (one straight line from your shoulders to your feet)
    • Hold the position for the desired amount of time
    • Planks can also be done from the forearms by placing your elbows directly underneath your shoulder and palms face down on the floor (Video 2)
    • Breathing: breath throughout the duration of the exercise
  • Variations to add an extra challenge during your plank hold:
    • Plank mountain climbers (video 3)
    • Plank walks (video 4)
    • Plank pillow drags (video 5)

Leg Lifts

  • Form:
    • Lay on your back in a relaxed position with your legs straight and place your hands underneath your low back by your butt for support
    • Press your lower back into the floor and raise your legs towards your body as far as you can
    • While lowering legs, stop once you feel your back lifting off the floor, try to control the feet from touching the ground
    • Keep legs together and inner thighs engaged
    • Breathing: inhale while lowering legs, exhale while lifting legs

Bicycle Kicks

  • Form:
    • Lay on your back in a relaxed position with your legs straight and place your hands behind your head
    • Press your lower back into the floor and slowly bring your right leg towards the chest, bending at the knee
    • Once the right leg is at the chest, begin bringing the left leg towards the chest while lowering the right leg back to the starting position
    • Don’t let the legs touch the ground during this exercise
    • Breathing: breath throughout the duration of the exercise

Sit Backs

  • Form:
    • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your arms folded across your chest
    • Keep your back straight as you slowly sit back to a lying position
    • Count down from five as you lower and once you hit zero, your back should be on the ground
    • Return to starting position by using your arms to assist you or by bending knees up, grabbing them, and rolling yourself forward (demonstrated in the video)
    • Make sure your feet stay in contact with the floor. You can put your feet under a couch or drawer to help keep them on the floor
    • Breathing: exhale while lowering, inhale while returning to a seated position

Side Bends

  • Form:
    • Stand in the middle of the resistance band, feet shoulder-width apart, holding each end of the band in one hand
    • Bend to one side as far as it feels comfortable and pause
    • Return to a standing position and complete the desired reps on one side and then repeat on the other side
    • Don’t lean forwards or backwards, stay as sideways as possible
    • Breathing: inhale when bending down, and exhale when standing back up

Standing Oblique Crunches

  • Form:
    • Stand upright with your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart and toes facing forward
    • Keep your hands behind the head with the fingers interlocked and the elbows spread out to the sides
    • Place your body weight on the right leg and lift your left leg out to the side keeping your knee bent
    • Bending to your left side, lower your elbow while you bring the left knee up so that they both meet
    • Return to a standing position
    • Complete the desired number of reps on one side before switching to the next
    • Breathing: exhale when bringing elbow to knee, inhale as you return to stand

Dead Bug Variations

  • Form:
    • Begin by lying down on your back, bringing arms above the torso and legs in the air with a 90ยบ bend in the knee
    • Keep your back flat on the ground throughout the exercise, while engaging the core
    • Slowly lower opposite arm and leg toward the floor and return to the starting position
    • Alternate this movement between sides and complete the desired amount of reps each side
    • Other variations include lowering the legs in isolation with bent or straight legs depending on the level of comfort with this exercise
    • Breathing: exhale while lowering arms and legs, inhale while returning to starting position

Flutter Kicks

  • Form:
    • Lay on your back in a relaxed position with your legs straight and place your hands underneath your low back by your butt for support
    • Press your lower back into the floor and raise your legs off the floor slightly and “flutter” your legs up and down quickly
    • Keep legs straight throughout
    • Complete the desired amount of reps on each leg
    • Breathing: breath throughout the duration of this exercise

Russian Twist Variations

  • Form:
    • Start in a seated position, keeping feet flat on the floor
    • Keeping the back straight, lean back slightly and hold hands together
    • Slowly twist the torso to the right side, bringing your hands down beside your right hip and then twist to the left side and repeat
    • Complete the desired amount of reps on each side
    • To make this more challenging, you can lift your feet off of the ground slightly while twisting from side to side (video 2)
    • Breathing: exhale while twisting to one side, inhale while resetting