We will be once again holding viewings of the sun with our solar telescopes this summer. We will hold events on the following dates (every second Tuesday) from 12:00-1:30pm.
July 11CANCELLED DUE TO CLOUDY WEATHER- July 25 – attended by over 40 people!
August 8CANCELLED DUE TO CLOUDY WEATHER- August 22 – attended by over 30 people, and the clouds mostly held off until the end of the event.
If it’s too cloudy to see the sun, then we will have to cancel the event. This post will be updated in the event of any cancellations.
We’re going to try something new this year. In addition to using our ground-based hydrogen-alpha telescope to view the sun’s atmosphere, we’re also going to make use of our new(ish) white-light solar filter for our observatory telescope. This means that visitors to our event will get to view the sun in two different ways and also get to go inside the rooftop Earl L. Wonnacott Observatory.
The meeting location for this event will be the grassy area between Memorial Hall and Robertson Library (see campus map below). There you’ll find one telescope set up and we’ll direct you on how to find your way to the observatory when space is available. (Due to the observatory’s small size, we have to control how many people can go into it at once.)

Accessibility: To reach our observatory, you must be able to climb stairs, because the building’s elevator can’t take people beyond the fourth floor, and the observatory is a storey above that. However, our ground-based telescope is accessible for people with limited mobility.