April Public Viewing – Cancelled

UPDATE (9:15am April 20): Due to the forecast of cloudy weather for Saturday evening, we will have to cancel the public viewing.

With twilight coming very late as we approach the June solstice, we will likely not schedule any nighttime public viewings until late summer when it will be once again getting dark earlier in the evening. We will have some daytime public viewings with our solar telescope and will post about those soon.


Our next public viewing is scheduled for Saturday, April 21, from 8:30-10:00 PM. For the first half-hour, we will view the Moon and when it gets darker around 9:00 PM we will switch to some other objects in the sky.

Our observatory is on the rooftop of UPEI’s Memorial Hall, but we ask that you come first to room 417 to wait for your turn to go up to the telescope. Volunteers from local astronomy groups and UPEI Physics will be available to answer any astronomy questions for you while you wait.

It is necessary to climb a flight of stairs to reach the telescope, but the elevator can be taken up to the 4th floor waiting room.Observatory Location & Parking

In the evening hours, campus parking lots are free, with parking lots B and C being the nearest lots to Memorial Hall.

If the weather is cloudy and we cannot view the sky, this post will be updated in the event of cancellation or postponement.

March Public Viewing – Cancelled

UPDATE (4:40 PM, March 23): The forecast for Saturday is cloudy with a chance of flurries all day and night, so that’s not good telescope weather. Our viewing scheduled for March 24 is cancelled. We’ll try to schedule a viewing for April soon (after university examination period) and will post details once they’re available.


UPDATE (10:25 AM, March 3): Due to the forecast for clouds and chance of flurries this evening, our viewing is postponed to March 24, 8:00-10:00 PM.


Our next public viewing is scheduled for Saturday, March 3 from 7:00-9:00 PM. Our back-up date (in the event of cloudy weather) is Saturday, March 24 from 8:00-10:00 PM.

Our observatory is on the rooftop of UPEI’s Memorial Hall, but we ask that you come first to room 417 to wait for your turn to go up to the telescope. Volunteers from local astronomy groups and UPEI Physics will be available to answer any astronomy questions for you while you wait.

It is necessary to climb a flight of stairs to reach the telescope, but the elevator can be taken up to the 4th floor waiting room.Observatory Location & Parking

In the evening hours, campus parking lots are free, with parking lots B and C being the nearest lots to Memorial Hall.

If the weather is cloudy and we cannot view the sky, this post will be updated in the event of cancellation or postponement.

November Public Viewing – Postponed to Nov 30

UPDATE (8:50PM Nov 30): Clouds have moved in earlier than expected this evening, so conditions are getting poor for viewing. We will have to shut the viewing down early at 9PM.

UPDATE (7:05PM Nov 15): With cloudy weather predicted for tomorrow (November 16), we will postpone our public telescope viewing until the cloud-date of Thursday, November 30 from 8:00-9:30PM. Should the weather not cooperate for that date, this post will be updated.


Our next public viewing is scheduled for Thursday, November 16 from 8:00-9:30PM. Our back-up date (in the event of cloudy weather) is Thursday, November 30 from 8:00-9:30PM.

Our observatory is on the rooftop of UPEI’s Memorial Hall, but we ask that you come first to room 417 to wait for your turn to go up to the telescope. Volunteers from local astronomy groups and UPEI Physics will be available to answer any astronomy questions for you while you wait.

It is necessary to climb a flight of stairs to reach the telescope, but the elevator can be taken up to the 4th floor waiting room.Observatory Location & Parking

In the evening hours, campus parking lots are free, with parking lots B and C being the nearest lots to Memorial Hall.

If the weather is cloudy and we cannot view the sky, the event will be postponed. This post will be updated in the event of cancellation or postponement.

International Observe the Moon Night 2017

We’re once again hosting an event to celebrate International Observe the Moon Night which takes place this year on October 28. We’ll have a telescope viewing of the Moon from 6:30-8:30PM in our observatory, plus we’ll have some information and activities about the Moon while you wait for your turn to go up to the telescope.

Our observatory is on the rooftop of UPEI’s Memorial Hall, but we ask that you come first to room 417. Volunteers from local astronomy groups and UPEI Physics will be available to answer any astronomy questions for you while you wait.

It is necessary to climb a flight of stairs to reach the telescope, but the elevator can be taken up to the 4th floor waiting room.Observatory Location & Parking

In the evening hours, campus parking lots are free, with parking lots B and C being the nearest lots to Memorial Hall.

If the weather is cloudy and we cannot observe the Moon, then the event may be postponed or cancelled. This blog post will be updated in the hours preceding the event if a cancellation is necessary.

Partial Solar Eclipse, August 21, 2017

A total solar eclipse will occur across North America on August 21. Solar eclipses happen when the Moon blocks our view of the Sun (read more about how eclipses work). From PEI, the eclipse will be seen as a partial solar eclipse – at the eclipse maximum, the Sun will be about half covered by the Moon, as shown in this simulation of the eclipse. The eclipse will start at 2:42pm, reach maximum at 3:50pm, and end at 4:54pm.

How the eclipse will appear across Canada and the USA. Image via http://www.discovertheuniverse.ca/

It is very important that you do not look at the Sun unless you are using safe, approved Sun viewing equipment – and sunglasses do NOT count as safe!

So how can you view the eclipse safely?

Attend an eclipse viewing event

Eclipse glasses

We’ll be hosting an eclipse viewing on August 21 from 2:30-5:00pm on the UPEI campus. We’ll have glasses that you can wear to view the Sun safely plus special solar telescopes that will provide a safe, magnified view of eclipse. There will also be some fun activities for all ages to learn about eclipses and our solar system.

Our eclipse event will take place outside of the School of Sustainable Design Engineering building (building #30 on campus map) from 2:30-5:00pm. The eclipse maximum will occur at 3:50pm (the moment that the Sun will be the most covered by the Moon), but if you stop in at any time during the event you’ll get to see the Moon partially blocking our Sun and look at the Sun’s features through a telescope.

The eclipse viewing event will be held outside and inside the entrance of the SSDE building (indicated by orange star on the map). Parking is available in UPEI Lots D & E and the MacLauchlan Arena lot.

UPEI Physics’ hydrogen-alpha solar telescope.

In the event the sky is completely clouded over, we’ll watch NASA’s live-stream of the eclipse and we’ll still have some fun activities relating to our Sun, Moon, and solar system.

There may also be an eclipse viewing event taking place in western PEI. Check the Athena Community Astronomy Club’s Facebook page for updates as they are considering hosting an event.

Prepare to view the eclipse safely at home

If you can’t attend a public eclipse event, you can still view the eclipse safely at home, provided that you do a bit of preparation. Below are several safe viewing methods that you can try depending on what materials are available to you. Try them out on a regular sunny day to practice so that you are ready once the big eclipse day comes around.

Photographing the eclipse safely

If you think you’d like to photograph the eclipse, read these tips on how to do it safely and still get good pictures.

The next TOTAL Solar Eclipse for PEI?

The eclipse this year is only a partial one for PEI, but don’t despair – we should get to see a total eclipse in the coming years. On April 8, 2024, the path of a total solar eclipse will pass directly over western PEI. Mark your calendars!

The total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024. Image via https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2024-april-8?n=1207#