How this site works

The Equity and Inclusion committee aims to facilitate ongoing exploration of and conversation about often complex and difficult topics. While equity and inclusion range from concerns with employment practices to curricular focuses, our particular emphasis here is predominantly on how we can all make our everyday practices and behaviours, inside the classroom and out, more equitable and inclusive for faculty, students, and staff.

As such, we see this website, and the resources we’re constantly working to compile here, as offering suggestions for thinking more deeply about our practices and behaviours, and how they might inadvertently perpetuate stereotypes and exclusions about different groups of people. Our aim is to—as much as possible—identify what we’re doing, and offer alternatives that are more inclusive of those around us. We welcome conversation and dialogue around everything we post, but we ask that everyone always both write and read in the spirit of mutual care about these topics, and as if we were all sitting in a room together having these discussions. We’re looking forward to the kinds of engagement visitors to this site bring to these issues and anticipate lively and ongoing conversations that will help us all rethink our way to more equitable and inclusive practices.