Dr. Adam Fenech, Associate Professor in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at the University of Prince Edward Island, has been awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (Prince Edward Island) created to celebrate the 70th anniversary year of Queen Elizabeth’s Accession to the Throne, for his “positive impact on the preservation of the environment.” Dr. Fenech has devoted himself to making Prince Edward Island a better place by making a significant contribution to the preservation of Prince Edward Island’s environment. Dr. Fenech brought his many years of climate change expertise (35 years and counting) to the Island a decade ago, and focused on understanding PEI’s vulnerability, impacts and adaptation to climate change. He has worked tirelessly in bringing his results to Islanders through numerous presentations, media interviews and research which has led to Prince Edward Island being one of the most advanced jurisdictions in the world addressing climate change. Through his MIT award-winning visualization tool – CoastaL Impacts Visualization Environment – Dr. Fenech has helped Islanders understand their vulnerability to sea level rise, storm surges and coastal erosion. The CLIVE technology has been exported to the City of Los Angeles sending the message that leading edge technology created on the Island can be spread around the world. He has led the establishment of two surveillance networks keeping watch over Prince Edward Island’s environment including a weather and climate early warning system, and a storm surge early warning system that help keep Islanders safe and secure from the impacts of climate change. Dr. Fenech created a Bachelor of Science in Climate Change and Adaptation program at the University of Prince Edward Island, the first of its kind in the world, that educates the climate warriors of tomorrow. Dr. Fenech has recently been featured as one of the Forty Brilliant Canadians and Their Visions for the Nation.