The Janssen BioAdvance® program provides an important service within the PEI health system for patients receiving certain Janssen medications, including REMICADE® (infliximab), and can contribute towards optimizing the use of resources across PEI. HCRC and Janssen have the timely opportunity to collaborate on a project that will generate evidence focused on patient flow processes and provide data-driven solutions to improve quality of care and good health outcomes arising from the BioAdvance® program.
Janssen BioAdvance® has fine-tuned its services and processes to enhance adherence and achieve better patient outcomes through its disease management programs, disease monitoring, and physician dashboards, which can be leveraged in this collaboration. Janssen will be able to leverage certain of this BioAdvance® data and work with HCRC to identify and access other administrative, clinical, and electronic medical record data. Together, these sources of data in the province will generate robust RWE, advance medical knowledge, and system performance indicators aligned to Health PEI’s Strategy that address access and flow issues for patients and clients across the health care continuum. Broadly, the efforts of this partnership have the capacity to advance knowledge in precision medicine and person-centred, evidence-based care in the Province.