This research program is based on responses from Secondary School aged students currently hired as part of the summer workforce in the SEAM/STAR program (Skills Enhancement and Mentoring/Start to Apply Right). Positive Youth Development (PYD) programs are structured to create safe spaces, provide challenging activities and employ caring adults to influence youth beliefs, shape personal and social well-begin, and increase competencies (Lerner et al,, 2005; Reverdito et al., 2017; Roth & BrooksGunn, 2003).
The main objective of the SEAM & STAR programs is to give youth who are most in need an opportunity to gain valuable life skills and work experience that will support their successful transition from high school to post-secondary education, apprenticeship, the workforce, or entrepreneurship.
- Provide work related life skills and on the job training
- Student gain confidence, return to school, reduce days absent, and participate in their learning experience
- Students graduate from High School
- Identify career/education/job path
- Give youth who are most in need an opportunity to gain valuable life skills and work exposure
- Prevent future poverty by provided meaningful experiences to youth
Testing their skills on the driving simulator