A Walk on the Edge – Taiwo Ogunsanya

As I set off on my journey to Atican Beach in Lekki-Ajah, Lagos state, Nigeria, I could feel the refreshing air and smell the sea. This adventure would take me to the furthest point of what is familiar, both in a literal and figurative sense. Walking on the edge symbolizes the excitement of venturing into unfamiliar territory, challenging limits, and delving into unexplored realms of both the external world and one’s own psyche.

I embarked on a deliberate journey that followed the rugged shoreline, where the land met the vast ocean in a perpetual cycle of unity and disconnection. The rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the rocks created a captivating symphony, constantly reminding us that limits are not fixed but ever-changing. As I walked along this boundary, I was profoundly struck by the profound significance that fills the seemingly ordinary act of crossing the border between land and sea.

The ground beneath my boots felt palpable, with its uneven terrain, jagged pebbles, and occasional sound of a seashell breaking. Each step appeared to be a combination of uncertainty and exhilaration, resembling a scaled-down representation of the broader voyage we all embark on in life. I have come to comprehend that the edge is not merely a physical location, but rather a mindset and state of existence that stimulates, interrogates, and motivates our personal development.

While journeying along the coastline, the boundary became apparent in the landscape, as well as in the areas where various elements converged, such as the interplay of illumination and darkness, and the juncture of the heavens and the ocean. The horizon appeared boundless, offering the potential to discover the unseen. The depicted scene portrayed a canvas adorned with colors reminiscent of a sunrise, where the sun ascended as a resplendent sphere, enveloping the entire world in a comforting radiance. Contemplating on the edge, I considered that it entails having the readiness to embrace the unfamiliar and embrace the unpredictability that accompanies each new day.

As I proceeded further, the edge began to symbolize the boundaries – the demarcation lines that define the areas of comfort – that we encounter in life. Having the courage to confront the unknown and challenge the status quo is necessary when crossing these boundaries. Across its various forms, the edge compels us to reassess our convictions, to examine our ingrained patterns, and to embrace the unease that accompanies transformation.

However, there are disadvantages to the edge. The trials of life shape our characters with the same consistent force as the waves shape the coastline. The smooth, weathered pebbles along the shore serve as silent reminders of the resilience required to withstand the passage of time. I have come to realize that the metaphorical challenges we face in life serve a purpose: they shape us, refine our qualities, and grant us a unique beauty that arises from our ability to persist and adapt.

I encountered fellow adventurous individuals during my contemplative state, like-minded individuals enticed by the prospect of excitement. We exchanged smiles and gestures of agreement, acknowledging our shared recognition of the transformative power that comes from venturing beyond one’s comfort zone. It functioned as a tacit symbol of backing and motivation for those who dare to venture beyond their familiar territory, demonstrating that the periphery is not an isolated space.

Contemplating the paradox between creation and extinction was provoked by my journey to the brink. The perpetual undulations, which both shaped and wore away the coastline, symbolized the inherent dual nature of existence. Walking on the edge signifies an acknowledgment of the impermanence of life and the notion that, just as the tides shape the shoreline, our encounters shape our identity and self-perception as time passes.

At the intersection, I found myself at a pivotal moment as the sun began its descent, casting a radiant orange hue across the horizon. The edge, previously regarded solely as a geographical characteristic, unexpectedly symbolized the pivotal moment in my journey. The setting sun cast elongated shadows into the unknown. It functioned as a metaphorical twilight, a symbolic conclusion to the day’s events, and a prompt to contemplate the unavoidable transformations that define our personal narratives.

I lingered at the periphery during the final moments of daylight, absorbing the wisdom embedded in the scenery and the resonance of my own footfalls. The edge had transformed into a mentor figure who motivated me to embrace the unfamiliar and assign equal importance to the journey and the final destination. I have deduced that walking on the edge follows a cyclical trajectory rather than a linear one, involving a continuous interplay between the known and unknown, as well as between creation and dissolution.

As I retraced my steps, the moon ascended and cast a luminous glow across the surroundings.

Despite the presence of shadows, the edge remained enigmatic. I have come to understand that the edge is not a fixed point, but rather a continuous space that provides ongoing opportunities for exploration, discovery, and personal development. Ultimately, the journey is not confined to a solitary walk; instead, it consists of a series of strides that unveil fresh opportunities and perspectives.

As night descended, I departed from the boundary, carrying the knowledge I had acquired and the resonance of the water. I have come to comprehend that venturing to the edge is an enduring invitation—a dialogue with the unfamiliar that is perpetual, an embrace of the limitless prospects that exist just beyond the familiar. As the waves continued their rhythmic pattern, I came to the realization that the boundary would always exist, ready for the next adventurer who was willing to embark on the transient journey of self-exploration.