Turning the Tide 2025: Island Imaginaries and Interdisciplinaries in Climate Change

NEW: Student Information Session (October 24th, 3:00pm AST)
This information session is intended for Undergraduate and Graduate students, and will include a short presentation from Conference Assistant, Tristan Atkins, followed by a Q&A session.  The goal of this session is to share information regarding the upcoming Turning the Tide conference, being held in Prince Edward Island from June 16 – 20, 2025.

If you are still unsure of whether or not to submit an abstract, are wondering about the benefits of attending conferences as a student, or have any other questions or concerns, we hope to have the answers for you in this session!
Click here to register!

DATES: June 16-20, 2025
VENUES: University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown and St. Peter’s campuses
CO-HOSTS: University of Prince Edward Island, University of Aruba, Sophia University (Tokyo)

Our call for abstracts is now open, until 31st October 2024! 

Download the call for abstracts here, or read below

Submit your abstract here: https://forms.gle/bp9zUf7KGcD9oULW7


We invite researchers, practitioners, artists, and communities across disciplines to explore island imaginaries and interdisciplinarities in the context of climate change. Recognizing that climate change is profoundly cultural and that island imaginaries wield discursive power and material effects, we seek insights from different perspectives such as arts, humanities, social sciences, and climate (and other) sciences.

Islands have long evoked imaginative responses that informed the ways they have been conceptualized, researched, represented, colonized, and deployed by Western-scientific-economic interests. With climate change, new island imaginaries are being produced, for example, via data, computer models, visualizations, and dystopic predictions, all of which have material dynamics that forge realities. Islanders have been resisting and critically responding to past and current island imaginaries through research, art, stories, and Indigenous epistemologies. Diverse, decolonizing, and interdisciplinary collaborations that challenge and reconsider how imaginaries and knowledge(s) about islands are produced, valued, disseminated, utilized, and resisted are vital in creating transformative possibilities. Don’t miss the opportunity to present your work at this vibrant and collaborative forum, bringing together island scholars from around the world and across various disciplines. Submit an abstract related to one or more of the sub-themes:

  • Food sovereignty in an era of climate change
  • Ocean health and climate change (ecosystem functionality, terrestrial, ocean, ecotone)
  • Incorporating diverse knowledges in climate change adaptation strategies
  • The importance of health and well-being
  • Material culture: lived experiences of the everyday
  • Climate and social justice
  • Gender and intergenerational framing
  • Environmental law and governance
  • Migration and urbanization
  • Nature-based solutions
  • Climate change communications
  • Climate change education

This conference aims to share stories. We therefore encourage academic papers, panels, roundtables, posters, and non-traditional presentations (e.g., storytelling, interactive sessions, creative) from all disciplines. In addition to scholarly papers, we also invite submissions for:

  • Artist in residence / Poet in residence
  • Creative pieces that engage with the themes
  • Workshops on sharing creative practices (e.g., poetry, art, photography, storytelling)
  • Indigenous practices and workshops
  • Experiential learning activities

We welcome submissions that look at the dynamics of climate change, island imaginaries and the imperative of interdisciplinary research on a case-by-case, island-by-island, or regional basis. All disciplinary perspectives are welcomed, but they must engage with notions of the lived experience of islandness. We are also keen to engage with presentations that adopt a more comparative framework or methodology in their critical analysis.

Abstracts of around 150-200 words each are invited on any of the above themes. Although this is primarily an in-person event, we will accommodate those who choose not to travel with a parallel stream made available to participants online. Please indicate in the Abstract Submission Form if you prefer this mode of delivery. Registration fees will be adjusted accordingly.


More information coming soon!

Travel & Accommodations

More information coming soon!


Dr. Therese Ferguson

Therese Ferguson, PhD is a Senior Lecturer in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the School of Education (SOE) at The University of the West Indies (Mona Campus, Jamaica).

Dr. Ferguson serves as the Programme Leader for Change from Within, a school-based initiative in Jamaica that addresses violence and indiscipline through school culture change, which is implemented by the SOE. She is also the Coordinator of the ESD Working Group within the SOE, and serves as Programme Coordinator for the Master of Education Degree Programme in Education for Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship and Peace within the SOE. Her research interests lie in ESD, peace education, climate change education, qualitative research, and early-career researcher development.

Her publications include two co-authored books: Education for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean: Pedagogy, Processes and Practices and SDG4 – Quality Education: Inclusivity, Equity and Lifelong Learning for All. She also served as a Guest Editor for a Special Issue of Environmental Education Research on Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) in the English-speaking Caribbean. Additionally, her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Environmental Education Research, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Geography Compass, Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, The Qualitative Report, Caribbean Journal of Education, Social and Economic Studies, and the Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean. Dr. Ferguson currently serves as a member of the Advisory Group for the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP).

Schedule & Book of Abstracts

More information coming soon!

Partners & Sponsors

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More information coming soon!

Contact Us

For more information, please email: turningthetide2025@gmail.com


Ms. Pooja Kumar, Coordinator, Institute of Island Studies/UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability at the University of Prince Edward Island

Tristan Atkins, Conference Assistant, Institute of Island Studies.