100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color

“100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color” (April 2018)

A light-hearted list for white people to think about everyday practices and behaviours that perpetuate ideas about race and racism. Some of these are useful for thinking about behaviours and statements in classrooms, even though that’s not the specific focus of the list.

100 Ways to Make the World Better for Non-Binary People

“100 Ways to Make the World Better for Non-Binary People,” AC Dumlao, June 2018

A light-hearted list of ways to think about gender outside binary model and alter some basic everyday practices; useful to rethink basics such as ‘ladies and gentlemen’ etc. Although not specific to academia, many useful ideas are included. Of note is its repeated emphasis on ‘it’s not about you’ to those who might be resistant to these changes