New Literatures Review Special Issue:
The Literature of Post-Colonial Islands

In 2011, a double special issue of the literature journal New Literatures Review dedicated to Island Studies and the literature of post-colonial islands was published, edited by Elizabeth DeLoughrey. The whole collection of papers published in this special issue are available here in PDF format.
Note: New Literatures Review merged into Transnational Literature in 2013.
Scanned PDFs of the contents of New Literatures Review, 47–48:
DeLoughrey, Elizabeth – Introduction: Of Oceans and Islands
Bragard, Veronique – ‘Righting’ the Expulsion of Diego Garcia’s ‘Unpeople’: The Island Space as Heterotopia in Literary Texts about the Chagos Islands
Carrigan, Anthony – (Eco)Catastrophe, Reconstruction, and Representation: Montserrat and the Limits of Sustainability
DeLoughrey, Elizabeth – On Kala Pani and Transoceanic Fluids
Fletcher, Lisa – ‘…some distance to go’: A Critical Review of Island Studies
Heim, Otto – Breath as a Metaphor of Sovereignty and Connectedness in Pacific Island Poetry
Percopo, Luisa – On the Trail of the Post-Colonial: Transcultural Spaces, Cosmopolitanism, and the Islands of the Mediterranean
Savory, Elaine – Utopia, Dystopia, and Caribbean Heterotopia: Writing/Reading the Small Island
Sharrad, Paul – Filling the Blanks: Mariquita, a Hybrid Biography from Guam
Sudo, Naoto – Japanese Colonial Representations of the ‘South Island’: Textual Hybridity, Transracial Love Plots, and Postcolonial Consciousness