Research Associates

Institute of Island Studies | Research Associates

The Institute of Island Studies has an active Research Associate program. The position of Research Associate is intended to establish a formal association between the Institute and outstanding scholars whose research is congruent with the Institute’s mandate.

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Dr. Nand C. Bardouille
Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies
Trinidad and Tobago

Diplomatic and international studies.
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Dr. Claire Campbell
Professor of History, Bucknell University
Pennsylvania, USA

Environmental history of North America and the North Atlantic world, its coastlines, and coastal cities.
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John Cousins
Folklorist, storyteller, and historian
O’Leary, Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island folklore and ethnology.
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Dr. Natalie Dietrich Jones
Research Fellow
Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), University of the West Indies – Mona Campus
Kingston, Jamaica

Geographies of the border, managed migration, and intra-regional migration in the Caribbean.
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Dr. Tiber F. M. Falzett
Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Folklore and Ethnology
School of Irish, Celtic Studies, and Folklore
University College Dublin

Language, music, community, and local knowledge of Gaels on both sides of the Atlantic.
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Dr. C. Tyler DesRoches
Associate Professor, Sustainability and Human Well-Being
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Arizona State University

History and philosophy of economics, environmental philosophy, sustainability, human well-being.
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Dr. Adam Grydehøj
Chair Professor, Research Center for Indian Ocean Island Countries, South China University of Technology;
Co-Director, Island and Coastal Zone Institute, Zhejiang University;
Director, Island Dynamics.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Intersection of culture, economy, politics, and space in island and coastal regions.
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Dr. Lynda Harling Stalker
Associate Professor, Sociology
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada

Culture, Island Studies, Narrative Research, Atlantic Canada, Work, Crafts, Creative and Cultural Industries, Traditions.
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Dr. Matthew Hatvany
Professor, Geography
Université Laval
Québec City, Québec, Canada.

Historical geography; nature-culture relations and environmental change in the Anthropocene.
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Dr. Pete Hay
Reader in Geography and Environmental Studies (Retired)
University of Tasmania
Hobart, Australia

Place theory, especially in the context of its island applications.
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Dr. Andrew Jennings
Institute for Northern Studies,
University of Highlands and Islands
Lerwick, Shetland

Governance, tourism, island cultures, and the nature of Islandness itself.
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Dr. Mark Lapping
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Muskie School of Public Service,
University of Southern Maine

Land use and land tenure issues on island; food island systems and sustainability issues.
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Dr. Dacia Latoya Leslie
Crime Prevention and Offender Management Research Cluster,
Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economic Studies, University of the West Indies
Kingston, Jamaica

Lived experiences of inmates, ex-prisoners, involuntary removed migrants and their child dependents; Development studies; monitoring & evaluation.
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Dr. Irené Novaczek
Marine scientist
Breadalbane, Prince Edward Island

Community development on small islands; Coastal resources management, often focusing on seaweed.
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Dr. Deborah Paci
Adjunct Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy; Center for Modern and Contemporary Mediterranean, Sophia Antipolis University, Nice, France.

Island studies, Mediterranean and Baltic studies, digital and public history, cultural studies, identity politics.
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Dr. Gerard Prinsen
Senior Lecturer
School of People, Environment, and Planning
Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand

Local identity evolution, global power projection, natural resource extraction, public policy negotiation, emerging “Islandian sovereignty.”
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Graeme Robertson
Global Islands Network
North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland

Climate change, island biodiversity, blue-green economy, guano islands, seaweed resources, niche marketing of small island food and drink products, and much more.
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Dr. Doug Sobey
Environmental biologist and ecologist
Belfast, Northern Ireland
& Bedeque, Prince Edward Island

Natural and human heritage; Present forests of Prince Edward Island and their history.
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Dr. John N. Telesford
Associate Dean, School of Continuing Education,
T. A. Marryshow Community College
St. George, Grenada

Policy and resource use (focus on energy) in small island states and jurisdictions; sustainable island futures; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); industrial ecology.
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