Institute of Island Studies | Purpose and Procedures
Institute of Island Studies – Purpose and Procedures
Revised April 2016
The Institute of Island Studies is a research, education, and public policy institute based at the University of Prince Edward Island.
1 | Purpose
- To encourage a deep knowledge, understanding, and expression of Prince Edward Island;
- To serve as a bridge between the University and Island communities;
- To contribute to the formulation of public policy in Prince Edward Island;
- To undertake and facilitate island studies research and education at local, national and global scales.
2 | Structure
- The Institute of Island Studies is administered within the Faculty of Arts and reports to the UPEI Vice President Academic and Research (subsequently referred to as “the VP A&R”).
- The Institute operates under the direction of an Executive Committee, whose duties are as specified in Appendix A and whose appointments are made by the VP A&R on the advice of the Executive. These appointments are normally for a three-year period (renewable once).
- Appointments to the Executive Committee may be made as vacancies occur.
- The Chair of the Executive Committee of the IIS shall be appointed for a three-year term, renewable, by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the Executive Committee as the selection committee, and chaired by the VP A&R.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of between 6 and 10 individuals to be appointed as follows:
- Chair of the IIS Executive Committee,
- IIS Coordinator,
- Coordinator, UPEI Master of Arts – Island Studies program (if not otherwise a member of the Executive Committee),
- A student representative from the MAIS program (one year, renewable),
- Co-Chairs of the UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability (if not otherwise members of the Executive Committee),
- Director, UPEI Environmental Studies program,
- Chair of the Advisory Committee of the IIS,
- One (1) or two (2) faculty members from UPEI to be appointed by the VP A&R on the recommendation of the Executive Committee,
- One (1) or two (2) members from Prince Edward Island who are not UPEI employees, to be appointed by the VP A&R on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, and
- One (1) senior academic administrator at UPEI (e.g., a Dean or Vice President), to be appointed by the President of UPEI.
3 | Staff
- The two principal staff of the IIS are the Chair of the Executive Committee and the Coordinator of the IIS. Other staff may be hired as needs arise and following the advice of the Executive Committee and the hiring procedures of UPEI.
- Under the direction of and working with the Executive Committee, the general duties of the Chair of the IIS are to:
- Provide direct oversight and direction of the activities of the Institute and the Coordinator,
- Liaise with, and advocate for, other UPEI island studies initiatives, entities and programs,
- Raise awareness and understanding of island studies and the mandate and activities of the Institute within the University, among Prince Edward Island institutions and communities, and abroad, and
- Shape the vision and future of the Institute.
- Under the direction of the Chair, the general duties of the Coordinator of the IIS are to:
- Serve as principal contact person for the IIS,
- Manage the IIS office, including maintaining records, websites, budgets, and meeting materials,
- Liaise with University and community institutions and colleagues, and
- Organize conferences, forums, and lectures.
4 | Advisory Committee
- The Executive Committee shall appoint an Advisory Committee whose duties are as specified in Appendix A.
- The Advisory Committee Membership shall consist of between 8 and 12 members to be appointed as follows:
- Chair of the IIS Executive Committee,
- IIS Coordinator,
- Three (3) to four (4) community members from Prince Edward Island (not to be UPEI employees), and
- Three (3) to four (4) community members from outside of PEI,
- Additional members may be appointed on a temporary, ad hoc basis and as needed to provide advice on specific issues.
- The Chair of the Advisory Committee will be drawn from, and selected by, the community members of this Committee.
Excluding ex-officio members, appointments are normally for three-year terms, renewable once. Under exceptional circumstances Advisory Committee members who have served six years may be reappointed for a further three-year term once they have rotated off the Committee for at least one year.
5 | Meetings
- The Executive Committee will meet 8–10 times per calendar year. At all meetings the Executive Committee will strive to make decisions on the basis of consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached, a simple majority vote will be used to arrive at a decision. Quorum for decisions is a majority of voting members of the Committee. A written record of the agenda and minutes of these meetings will be maintained.
- The Advisory Committee of the IIS will meet with the Executive Committee at least once per year, and more frequently if required. The Executive Committee will provide the required/relevant information needed to facilitate meaningful dialogue and actively listen to the input provided by the Advisory Committee. Every effort shall be made to allow for the effective participation by non-local Advisory Committee members (e.g., communications technology). At all meetings the Advisory Committee will strive to make decisions on the basis of consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached, a simple majority vote will be used to arrive at a decision. Quorum for decisions is a majority of voting members of the Committee. A written record of the agenda and minutes of these meetings will be maintained.
- The fiscal year of the Institute shall be the same as that of the University, May 1–April 30.
- A quorum for all Executive and Advisory Committee meetings shall be a majority of members.
6 | Evaluation
There shall be a yearly performance appraisal of the Chair and the Coordinator, to be carried out by the Executive Committee and pursuant to all UPEI human resources policies and procedures associated with these positions. These evaluations shall be made available to the VP A&R.
7 | Amendment Procedure
This Purpose and Procedures document may be amended by the VP A&R on receipt of recommendations for amendment from the Executive Committee. Notice of motion must be sent to all members of the Executive Committee at least two weeks in advance of such a meeting.
8 | Operational Guidelines
With respect to miscellaneous operational matters, such as employee benefits, honoraria, and travel policy, the Institute shall normally follow the guidelines of the University as outlined in the relevant University documents.
Revised April 1, 2016
APPENDIX A: Terms of Reference
Executive and Advisory Committees of the Institute of Island Studies
The Institute of Island Studies (IIS or Institute) is a research, education and public policy institute based at the University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada. With an emphasis on Prince Edward Island, the Institute focuses on the culture, environment and economy of small islands. The Institute is guided by a four-point mandate, as follows:
- To encourage a deep knowledge, understanding, and expression of Prince Edward Island;
- To serve as a bridge between the University and Island communities;
- To contribute to the formulation of public policy in Prince Edward Island;
- To undertake and facilitate island studies research and education at local, national and global scales.
The Executive Committee of the IIS will carry out the following functions:
- Provide direct oversight and direction of the activities of the Institute, the Chair and the Coordinator of the Executive Committee of the IIS,
- Liaise with, and advocate for, other UPEI island studies initiatives, entities and programs,
- Raise awareness and understanding of island studies and the mandate and activities of the Institute within the University, among Prince Edward Island institutions and communities, and abroad,
- Shape the vision and future of the Institute, and
- Provide input for the performance appraisals of the Chair and Coordinator.
Chair, Executive Committee:
The Chair of the Executive Committee of the IIS shall be appointed for a three-year term, renewable, by UPEI’s Board of Governors on the recommendation of the Executive Committee serving as the selection committee and chaired by the VP A&R
Executive Committee Membership:
- Chair of the IIS Executive Committee,
- IIS Coordinator,
- Coordinator, UPEI Master of Arts – Island Studies program (if not otherwise a member of the Executive Committee),
- A student representative from the MA Island Studies program (one year, renewable),
- Co-Chairs of the UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability (if not otherwise members of the Executive Committee),
- Director, UPEI Environmental Studies program,
- Chair of the Advisory Committee of the IIS,
- One (1) or two (2) faculty members from UPEI to be appointed by the UPEI Vice President Academic and Research on the recommendation of the Executive Committee,
- One (1) or two (2) members from Prince Edward Island who are not UPEI employees, to be appointed by the UPEI VP A&R on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, and
- One (1) senior academic administrator at UPEI (e.g., a Dean or Vice President), to be appointed by the President of UPEI.
Appointees to the Executive Committee should have a passion and a commitment to the study of island issues and topics and the skills sets that are directly relevant to enhance the operational effectiveness and long term vision of the Institute. Excluding ex-officio and student members, appointments are normally for three-year terms, renewable once. Under exceptional circumstances Executive Committee members who have served six years may be reappointed for a further three year term once they have rotated off the Committee for at least one year.
Executive Committee Operations:
The Executive Committee of the IIS will comprise no fewer than six (6) and no more than ten (10) members. It will meet 8-10 times per calendar year. At all meetings the Executive Committee will strive to make decisions on the basis of consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached, a simple majority vote will be used to arrive at a decision. Quorum for decisions is a majority of voting members of the Committee. A written record of the agenda and minutes of these meetings will be maintained.
The Advisory Committee (AC) of the IIS will carry out the following functions:
- Upon request, provide advice and guidance to the Executive Committee of the IIS,
- Serve to reinforce and strengthen the relationship between UPEI and Island communities in the area of island studies,
- Assist the Executive Committee as required to shape the vision and future of the IIS,
- Assist in raising resources for the operation of the Institute. Resources may include capital, networks, professional skills and experience, and
- Actively promote the work of the IIS and foster a sense of community engagement between the Institute and Island communities, both on PEI and on other islands.
Advisory Committee Membership:
- Chair of the IIS Executive Committee,
- IIS Coordinator,
- Three (3) to four (4) community members from Prince Edward Island (not to be UPEI employees),
- Three (3) to four (4) community members from outside of PEI,
- Additional members may be appointed on a temporary, ad hoc basis and as needed to provide advice on specific issues.
As with the Executive Committee members, Advisory Committee members should have a passion and a commitment to the study of island issues and topics and the skills sets that are directly relevant to enhance the operational effectiveness and long term vision of the Institute. Members of the Advisory Committee will be appointed by the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Advisory Committee will be drawn from, and selected by, the community members of this Committee. Excluding ex-officio members, appointments are normally for three-year terms, renewable once. Under exceptional circumstances Advisory Committee members who have served six years may be reappointed for a further three year term once they have rotated off the Committee for at least one year.
Advisory Committee Operations:
The Advisory Committee of the IIS will comprise no fewer than eight (8) and, not including ad hoc appointees, no more than twelve (12) members. The Advisory Committee of the IIS will meet with the Executive Committee at least once per year, and more frequently if required. The Executive Committee will provide the required/relevant information needed to facilitate meaningful dialogue and actively listen to the input provided by the Advisory Committee. Every effort should be made to make use of communications technology that will allow for the effective participation by non-local Advisory Committee members. At all meetings the Advisory Committee will strive to make decisions on the basis of consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached, a simple majority vote will be used to arrive at a decision. Quorum for decisions is a majority of voting members of the Committee. A written record of the agenda and minutes of these meetings will be maintained.
As approved by the Executive Committee of the Institute of Island Studies
April 1, 2016