Institute of Island Studies | Events Archive (1998–2016)
“So you want to go to Iceland…”
with David Cairns
January 19, 2016 | 7 p.m. | UPEI Main Building Faculty Lounge
In the past several years, travel by Islanders to Iceland has grown from a rarity to a phenomenon. “So you want to go to Iceland…” is a guide for both the never-been-there-yet set, and for experienced travellers looking for new ways to scratch their Iceland itch. The program includes Icelandic basics, a sample itinerary, a chance to question veteran Icelandic trippers, and a showcase of Iceland photos, submitted by the public. Send up to eight of your best shots to, and let him know if you want to do an oral commentary about your own adventure in Iceland. And if you don’t want to talk in the formal part of the evening, come anyway! There’ll be an opportunity for informal discussion and travel-tip-sharing during the intermission and afterward.
The event takes place in the Faculty Lounge in UPEI’s Main Building, at 7 pm on January 19. Sponsors are the Vinland Society of PEI and the Institute of Island Studies at UPEI. Admission is free and donations are welcome.
This is the first in a series of an Island Studies Winter/Spring Lecture Series. Watch for details for another lecture about islands – near and far – February 23!
August 1, 2015
2nd Annual Sir Andrew Macphail Memorial Lecture, with Dr. John Shaw
Macphail Homestead Gaelic Festival
May 28-31, 2015
Climate Change in Culture Conference
University of Prince Edward Island

May 26, 2015
Guthan an Eilein: Island Gaelic Voices
by Dr. Tiber F. M. Falzett
How Scottish Gaelic language and culture has passed down through generations on Prince Edward Island.
More details here
January 6, 2015
“Welcome to an Icelandic Evening/Íslensk Kvöldstund á PEI”
An Evening of Icelandic Culture, hosted by the Institute of Island Studies
7:30PM, UPEI Faculty Lounge
The Institute of Island Studies, in partnership with the Vinland Society of Prince Edward Island, invites you to a cozy evening of Icelandic culture. On January 6, at 7:30 p.m. in UPEI’s Main Building Faculty Lounge, settle back into a comfy armchair with a glass of wine and some “Vínarterta” and take in the scenery from the country’s spectacular landscape, listen to the sagas, and enjoy the art and culture of these northern islanders who sailed our way some 1,000 years ago.
Prince Edward Island photographer John Sylvester will give a taste of this in a slide show from his recent trip there, whetting your appetite for a closer look at the culture, including a short reading from the sagas, a bit of music, poetry, and a little practice with the language, which was brought by the Norse in the 9th century. Sigga MacEachern, who was originally from Iceland and who now calls Prince Edward Island home, will spice up your “Icelandic Evening” with an introduction to some of the most common words that might be used on your journey. She has also graciously volunteered to provide a sample of a traditional seasonal taste treat.
The evening is open to all who have a heart for adventure, and begins at 7:30 p.m. Admission is by donation, and there will be a cash bar. Come on to the Faculty Lounge in Main Building for some armchair Icelandic!
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014, at 7:00 p.m.
Island Land Use Policy at an Impasse?
Rescheduled to Tuesday December 2nd, 7:00 p.m.
The past and present state of Island land use policy was the subject of this Public Symposium. Ian Petrie addressed the topic “Why Farmers Fight Regulations” and posed the question, is there a way out of this impasse? Jean-Paul Arsenault’s talk, entitled “Factors Affecting Land Use Decisions: What Were They Thinking?”, addressed the question, would stricter controls on land use be good for Prince Edward Island, or is the status quo the better option?
Thursday, October 23, 2014 at the Carriage House, Beaconsfield, Charlottetown
Book Launch: “Those Splendid Girls” by Katherine Dewar
Click here for Those Splendid Girls website
Click here to view event invitation/flyer
“Mapping the Pre-settlement Forests of Prince Edward Island”
Dr. Doug Sobey
Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 7.30 pm
Dr. Doug Sobey, a Research Associate of the University’s Institute of Island Studies, and formerly at the University of Ulster, will give an illustrated public talk on the results of a study carried out by himself and William Glen (formerly of the Forestry Division), into the forest descriptions found on manuscript maps housed in the P.E.I. Public Archives dating from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Dr. Sobey will discuss what the descriptions on the maps reveal about the Island’s forest-types before their destruction by clearance and fire.
His research has been carried out with the support of both the Institute of Island Studies and the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division of the P.E.I. Department of Agriculture and Forestry, and the lecture will include the launch of a recently published research report on the subject.
Island Studies Open House: Monday, September 8th, 2014 4-6 pm
Island Water Symposium at UPEI
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 – 7:00 pm
Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, UPEI
The future of the Island’s water supply was the subject of a public symposium at the University of Prince Edward Island. In light of recent concern about increased pressure on our groundwater resources by urban, industrial, and agricultural use, this event was a timely one.
This was a public-forum event with presentations by three speakers: Dr. Ryan O’Connor, Dr. Cathy Ryan, and Dr. Michael van den Heuvel.
Bridging Two Solitudes: The Contribution of Island Studies to Rural Studies
Presentation by Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino
March 12, 2010 | Atlantic Rural Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Despite many similarities, a conceptual connection between the study of islands and rural regions has not yet been seriously investigated. This presentation hopes to kick start this process by presenting ongoing theoretical work in island development, and the challenges that this analysis poses to and for concerned communities and policy makers.
Click here for more details and to watch the video
Past Projects from 2008 include:
- 2007 Tasmanian writer in residence Tim Thorne at UPEI, Charlottetown
- Youth Engagement and Mental Health
Past Projects from 2007 include:
- PEI Writer Deirdre Kessler Heads off to Writer-in-Residency in Tasmania!
- 2007 writer in residence Deirdre Kessler (UPEI), in Hobart, Tasmania
- The Small Island Cultures Research Initiative Conference
- Institute of Island Studies is Pleased to Announce “A World of Islands”: An Island Studies Reader
- Island Studies Director Moderates Public Forum on Water Quality and Health
- Institute of Island Studies Releases Museums Report, March 2007
- David Suzuki and the Dreamers’ Symposium
- The First Chiloe Internship
- Northumberland Strait Ecosystem Initiative
- CCEDNet Conference
- Southern Gulf of St Lawrence Coalition for Sustainability Annual Conference
Past Projects from 2006 include:
- 2007 writer in residence Danielle Wood at UPEI, Charlottetown
- Institute of Island Studies Working with the Northumberland Strait Ecosystem Initaiative Working Group
- Island Studies Journal Now Availabe Online
- Pacific Voices: Equality & Sustainability in Pacific Island Fisheries
- Southern Islands Symposia
- Virginia Tech University Environmental Issues Tour of PEI
- Public Forum on Cruise ship Tourism
- Island Studies hits Hawai’i
- Retreat to Advance!
- Learning from Research fellows and Associates
- Chinese Islanders Book Launches and Art Exhibit
- Tasmanian Writer Danielle Wood’s Residency at UPEI
- The Social Economy Research Network events
Past Projects from 2005 include:
- IIS Co-ordinates New Studies on the Atlantic Social Economy
- Community Forest Dialogues
- Memorandum of Understanding and Association Signed Between The Mi’kmaq Confederacy of PEI, IIS, And UPEI
- Institute of Island Studies Celebrates its 20th Anniversary
- Online Library Resources Expanded
- Prince Edward Island Forest Policy Announced
- GMO Report Presented to Standing Committee
Past Projects from 2002-2004 include:
- Notes From a Public Lecture on University Avenue
- Panel on Coastal Communities
- Database of Islands VII Conference Papers
Past Projects from 1998-2002 include:
- Islands of the world VII: New Horizons in Island Studies
- Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM)
- Community Capacity Building
- Message in a Bottle: the Literature of Small Islands
- Island Sustainability, Livelihood and Equity Program (ISLE)
- Local Knowledge / Global Challenge: Smart Community Development
- The Employment Summit and the Population Strategy
- North Atlantic Forum (NAF)