Bridging Islands:
The Impact of “Fixed Links”
Edited and with an Introduction by Godfrey Baldacchino
2007 | Acorn Press
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(Click links for chapter summaries)
Introduction. Bridges & Islands: A Strained Relationship – Godfrey Baldacchino
1. Island Passages – Denis Cosgrove
2. Bridge Over Troubled Waters: The Fixed Link Debate on Prince Edward Island, 1885-1997 – Edward MacDonald
3. “Built for Going Away”: The Canso Causeway Epic, in Three Acts – Mike R. Hunter and Carol Corbin
4. Finding the Links: Structure and Agency on Twillingate and Fogo Islands – Deatra Walsh and Mark Jones
5. Two Islands in the Saint Lawrence River: One bridged; one unbridged – Lorraine Guay
6. Bridging the Florida Keys – Philip E. Steinberg
7. Tourism, Links, and Islandness off Florida’s Gulf Coast – Russell Fielding
8. Islands, Fixed Links, and The European Union – Jean-Didier Hache
9. The Bridge to Skye, Scotland – Ronald W. McQuaid and Malcolm Greig
10. Islands off the Irish Coast and the ‘Bridging Effect’ – Stephen A. Royle
11. Bridge Impacts on Islands off the West Coast of France – Céline Barthon
12. Living behind dikes and dams – Gerard A. Persoon and Huub de Jonge
13. Sweden, Islands and Bridges – Anders Källgård
14. ‘Central’ Singapore Island, ‘Peripheral’ Mainland Johor – Paul A. Barter
Map of locations discussed in the book:
(click to enlarge)